By the Grace of G‑d
17th of Shevat, 5720
Brooklyn, N.Y.
[February 15, 1960]

Sholom uBrocho:

This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of February 7th. In the meantime you will have received my regards through Rabbi B. Shemtov, as also of the Yud Shevat get-together here, and of your son in particular.

You write about your being pressed for funds to get the material out of the customs, etc. As I wrote to you in my previous letter, it is a pity that you did not request a larger loan from the Bank. But it is no use crying over the past, and the Almighty will surely present some other channels to help you out of the difficulty. At any rate, I hope that from now on you will realize more fully and confidently that G‑d is your partner in the business, by virtue of the Tzedoko stake in it, and, of course, the larger the share of the Tzedoko the larger is the share of the partnership. So you can go boldly ahead on a broader front. I hope to hear good news from you.

I was sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Abraham Bloom. I am enclosing a letter of condolence to the family, which I trust you will not mind conveying to them, or mailing to them, if you so prefer.

To conclude on a happy note, Mazal Tov on the marriage of Mr. Sender Liberoff, and may G‑d grant that there be many Simchos among the Chassidim of Manchester in the midst of Klal Yisroel, and that you have only good news to report in all matters, both personal and communal.

With blessing,

M. Schneerson