Letter & Spirit - Personal and Public Correspondence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Pastoral Shemitah Messages

A selection of public letters issued by the Rebbe in preparation for several Shemitah (Sabbatical) years.

The Rebbe's Message for the Days of Selichot 5725 (1965)
Although it may be necessary later in the day to engage in “mundane” activities, the essence and purpose of these things are—to attain a “Sabbath unto G‑d.”
The Rebbe's Message for the 3rd Day of Selichot 5711 (1951)
The Torah indicates that the year of Shemittah should influence the Jew to a lasting cessation and rest from all that is “earthly” and coarse; that he must become more spiritual and refined.
When Rosh Hashanah Ushers in Shemitah
The Rebbe's Message for the 6th of Tishrei 5733 (1973)
The Shemittah year emphasizes the concept that although the Creator has given the earth to man, for food and use, he must remember that the real and permanent proprietor is G‑d,
The Rebbe's Message for 18 Elul 5732 (1972)
It is expected of every Jew, man or woman, young or old, that he (or she) bring in “Shabbosdikeit” (the spirit of Shabbos) into all his toil, including also the mundane activities; to bring in spirituality and holiness also in the ordinary and mundane activities of the daily life, until they are thoroughly permeated with the spirit of Shabbos.
The Daily Sabbatical
Pre–Rosh Hashanah 5726 [1965]
Every day we have the Sabbatical elements—prayer, Torah study, mitzvot—and the mundane aspects. Are these two elements of the day mutually exclusive?
A Rosh Hashanah Message: Living the Sabbatical Life
18th of Elul, 5739 [1979]
Although Shemittah is primarily connected with the holiness of the land of Israel, where the laws of Shemittah are in force, it has been explained on many occasions that a Jew, wherever he is, is expected in his everyday life, especially in his spiritual life, to transform his environment—his home as well as his surroundings—into a (spiritual) “Land of Israel.”

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