This letter was sent to R. Shlomo Matusof, one of the Rebbe’s shluchim in Morocco.
11 Menachem Av, 5711,
Greetings and blessings,
I duly received your letter of erev Shabbos Kodesh, 23 Tammuz. In the interim, the letters to Misters Almaliach, Gross, and Davilia that were written in connection with the days of the Festival of Redemption [of Yud-Beis/Yud-Gimmel Tammuz] undoubtedly arrived. Perhaps [the recipients] will require further explanation; I rely on your understanding in this matter.
Regarding what you write: that there is no one in your community to speak to about Yud-Beis Tammuz. That is incorrect. There most certainly are. Were there not, you would not have come there. It is only that you must seek them out. “A positive attribute surpasses an attribute of retribution.”1 When it comes to searching for chametz, at the beginning of tractate Pesachim, our Sages strongly emphasized [the thoroughness of] the search required, how it should be conducted, obligating a search even in the cracks and holes. How much more so must one search for the good that exists in each and every Jew. One must devote effort to this and [when one does so,] he will find far more than he had originally assessed, and, obviously, far more than what appears to eyes of flesh.
It is often necessary here to know the exact number of the institutions [Lubavitch is maintaining in North Africa] and also, the approximate number of the male and female students that study in each one of them. Since according to the nature of your work, the number of the institutions increases and grows from time to time, please inform me immediately whenever an institution is added. Also include several particulars describing that institution. Thanking you in advance.
With regard to financial support from the Joint [Distribution Committee]:2 This is a very disturbing issue. Nevertheless, I have strong hope that even now, my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, who directs these matters, “more than in his lifetime,” will cause [the endeavor] to be successful and — as explained in Kuntreis Yud-Beis Tammuz for the Festival of Redemption of this year3 — the success should be in a manner that transcends nature, and yet, is manifest within nature itself.
On the day preceding Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av, I was at the gravesite of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe זצוקללה"ה, נבג"ם, זי"ע,4 andI recalled you and your wife for all your needs; may you be blessed, in the very near future, with viable offspring.
It is somewhat surprising that, in your letter, you do not mention the health of your wife. [It can be assumed that,] as is the practice of chassidim of yore, [failure to do so] is a sign that everything is satisfactory. Undoubtedly, in your next letter, you will write about this explicitly. Your heart and your wife’s heart can rest assured that my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, draws down blessing and success for those who are busy with carrying out his mission. May you both share good news concerning this.
Enclosed is a digest of a talk I delivered to the students who travel to the outlying cities with the mission of strengthening Yiddishkeit. Perhaps you will be able to use it in your community in an appropriate manner.
It would be proper to explore whether there exists in your community a magazine or newspaper in which it would be possible to publish essays that are relevant to our work in particular or to the teachings of Chassidismin general. It is understood that it does not matter if the publication [is written] in the language spoken there.5 On the contrary, that will be an advantage, because by doing so, the number of readers will increase.
With blessing, awaiting good news,
M. Schneerson
Just now, your letter of Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av was received. Thank you for sending the kabbalistictext. With a very powerful request, [I ask] that in the future, you endeavor to do the same; [i.e., to send] texts of Kabbalah and texts of Nigleh. The more that are sent, the more praiseworthy the action.6 The intent is not necessarily only ancient texts, but rather any texts that are printed in Africa or in Asia.
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