This letter was sent to R. Moshe Shapiro, a leader of HaPoel HaMizrachi, one of the religious parties in Eretz Yisrael, who served as the Minister of the Interior at that time.

22 Tammuz, 5711,
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Greetings and blessings,

I duly received your telegram and now your letter from 7 Tammuz. Thank you for both of them.

The fact that the United Religious Front was not maintained in this time of great responsibility is [a source of] great pain and ample embarrassment. May it be G‑d’s will that, at least now, the heads of the parties will themselves realize sufficient [inner] strength to place the interests of observant Jewry as a whole above the imagined gains for their parties and establish a united front after the elections at the very least. [For the achievement of this greater good] will bring about an advantage for their party as a party.

With greetings and blessings for success,