This letter was addressed to the administration and the teachers of Yeshivas Achei Temimim and was sent to several different branches of the Yeshivah.1
8 Tammuz, 5711,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Greetings and blessings,
In response to your letter, your request, and your question:
In keeping with the changes in the schedule of some yeshivos during the summer months, I would like to call your attention to the following points:
a) Even during the time when the students attend school and diligently labor over their studies, there is a responsibility incumbent on their educators not to divert their attention from the students even when they are outside the confines of the yeshivah. With all their strength, they must endeavor [to insure that the students’] conduct and way of life should be desirable at all times.
How much more so does this apply during the summer months! Then, a greater involvement with the students is necessary to be informed about each one of them, where they are and what they are doing, and to help them in all types of ways to proceed in the proper and straight path. In that vein, our Sages (Bava Basra 8b; see Chidushei Aggados [Maharsha]) [speak of a teacher] who — even when he was not seen by his students — was overseeing them and saw to it that his attention was focused on them.
b) In ascents, there are no upper limits. Therefore, it is worthwhile for even the most proficient teachers to use the days of the vacation to increase their knowledge in those subjects relevant to their work, for it is the work of G‑d (Bava Basra 21b).
c) It is worthwhile to motivate the laymen who support the yeshivos that while they are resting in vacation spots to endeavor to draw close the new people they meet to engage in activities on behalf of the yeshivos. They should explain to these people that [the Torah] is “a Tree of Life to those who hold fast to it and those who support it are fortunate.”2 Our Sages (Zohar, Vol. III, p. 53b; see the maamar entitled Etz Chayim, 56993 ) state: “Do not read מאושר, ‘fortunate,’ read מראשו, ‘from its head.’ ” Implied is that the supporters of the Torah draw down all the influence from [G‑d’s] head, [from the innermost dimensions of the Ein Sof ].
d) One must not remain content with the number of students enrolled in the yeshivos as long as there are students fit to attend the yeshivah who do not attend because their parents are not sufficiently aware of the pressing importance of the matter. Therefore, there is an obligation to arrange an organized campaign in every place — carried out with energy and the required enthusiasm — to increase the number of students in the yeshivos. Sufficient words do not exist to describe the great merit gained by saving even one Jewish soul in a material way. How much more so does this apply to saving one spiritually (Bava Metzia 30a)!
I would be interested in knowing the positive (effects of) the activities that are carried out in line with the above [suggestions,] and also whether you have organized a day camp. I hope to receive good tidings in this regard.
With the approach of the coming days of redemption, Yud-Beis/Yud-Gimmel Tammuz, the redemption of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe זצוקללה"ה, נבג"ם, זי"ע, and the redemption of “all those involved in spreading the Torah,” to borrow the wording of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe4 — may it be G‑d’s will that his blessing be fulfilled in a complete manner — that G‑d open His treasure store of goodness and draw down influence to all those who cherish the Torah and study it, and to all those who deliver public study sessions in the midst of all our Jewish brethren, an influence of life and abundant blessing without any limits.
With blessings for success in your holy work and abundant material and spiritual good,
M. Schneerson
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