This letter was sent to R. Chayim Zusya Wilmowsky, one of the chassidim who would take a leading role in Lubavitch outreach efforts in Eretz Yisrael.

5 Tammuz, 5711,

Greetings and blessings,

I was happy to receive your letter of 24 Sivan (which undoubtedly was an answer to the letter I sent to you at the address of R. Avraham Paris, since I did not know your address). I was pleased to read in it that all the time — and now as well — you are involved in positive activities in the field of kosher [Jewish] education. Surely, you will continue in this holy work which is of [vital] necessity at all times and particularly, at present, in our Holy Land.

Regarding your personal question in connection with your negotiations with an institution that is under the direction of a particular [political] party: I am somewhat amazed. Seemingly, you could invest your energies in the domain of Chabad itself. As of now, I do not know the reason why you moved from Lod. Regardless, if you desire to work in a place other than Lod and not be under the jurisdiction of their directorship, I would make the following suggestion: From your letter, it appears that you have the potential to take a leadership role in the establishment of educational institutions, and the resources for them are presently available there, as reflected [by the circumstances of] the institution concerning which you are inquiring of me in this letter. [Therefore, my advice is] that you should investigate the possibility of establishing there (in our Holy Land) institutions that will become part of the network of educational institutions that were established in Morocco and carry the name of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, Oholei Yosef YitzchakLubavitch. This network of educational institutions includes many varied institutions from those teaching the alef-beis to seminaries for teachers and Rabbis. Although, at present, we do not have the potential to send extensive resources from here, nevertheless, I will be able to find a source for small expenses for the first semester, provided we are speaking of something of substance, not merely something that exists, but one that will be aligned with the inner intent [of our spiritual purpose]. You will undoubtedly inform me about more particulars concerning this.

It is understood that if such an institution cannot be established, then the suggestion to participate in the work of a G‑d-fearing educational institution is appropriate even though it is associated with a particular [political] party.

I hope that you will carry out what you wrote about in your letter — that you are seeking a shidduch — with the appropriate energy. May G‑d enable you to find your partner speedily, in a manner that is appropriate materially and spiritually.

With blessings that you establish yourself appropriately in actual fact both materially and spiritually,