This letter was sent to R. Yitzchak Meir Levin, a leader of Agudas Yisrael, one of the religious parties in Eretz Yisrael, who served as the Minister of Welfare at that time.

9 Sivan, 5711,
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Greetings and blessings,

Today I sent you a telegram saying:

Pursuant to my letter, I was shocked to hear of the breakup of the United Religious Front. The HaPoel HaMizrachi party lays the responsibility on a particular party. Certainly, if the different parties could be motivated to forego the benefits that might accrue to their parties, it would be possible to maintain the United Front, a necessity not only for [Eretz Yisrael] as a whole, but for every one of the parties. It is my strong hope that in this fateful hour, every party will recognize its responsibility to the collective and bring about the establishment of the United Front. In accordance with our discussion [when you were] here, I trust that you will endeavor to bring about the above. Thanking you in advance for the good tidings that you will bring me regarding this. With blessing, awaiting G‑d’s mercies.

The HaPoel HaMizrachiparty claim that they have exerted themselves to the greatest extent and they were not successful in forming a United Religious Front because of a particular party. Although they do not mention the name of the particular party, you are certainly aware of the circumstances on site.

I hope that you will try, exerting all your energies, to make the United Religious Front an actual reality. Thanking you [in advance] for notifying me of good news in this matter.

With greetings and with blessings,