This letter was sent to R. Kalman Nachum Fisher from Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

1 Sivan, 5711,
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Greetings and blessings,

I was happy to receive greetings from you. I was satisfied [to hear] of your involvement in the communal matters in your locale. Please relay greetings and blessings [from me] to all who have participated with you up to now and all who will participate in the future. May G‑d grant every one success in all that they need so that they will be able to share good tidings about these matters.

In a separate package, a book of talks from my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe זצוקללה"ה, נבג"ם, זי"ע, was sent to you. Certainly, at a time of Divine favor — for example, the third meal on Shabbos, a chassidic festival, or the like — you will find an appropriate manner of bringing merit to people at large by sharing with them one of the talks printed inside. [The talks contain] concepts that are appropriate for all types of listeners, from great scholars to the simplest of people. As is well known, this is the property of the quality of truth. In particular, it applies to our Torah, the Torah of truth. For truth must extend from one extreme to the other, as mentioned in brief in Tanya, the end of ch. 13.

I am interested in knowing about the communal Torah study sessions that exist in the synagogue. Certainly, you follow the practice instituted by my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe זצוקללה"ה, נבג"ם, זי"ע, to recite each day the daily portion of Tehillim as the book is divided according to the monthly cycle. This should come in addition to the individual study sessions that are universally relevant, i.e., the study of Chumash with Rashi every day (on Sunday, from the beginning of the Torah reading until the second aliyah, on Monday, from the second aliyah to the third aliyah, etc.), and the study of Tanya as it is divided according to the annual cycle, as printed in the study schedules.

With greetings to the entire fellowship and blessings for all types of good, both material and spiritual; awaiting good news — and “good” refers solely to the Torah1 and its mitzvos.