This letter was sent to R. Zalman Shimon Dworkin, at that time the head of a group of ritual slaughterers sent from Paris to Ireland.
1 Sivan, 5711,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Greetings and blessings,
With pleasure I received your letter, informing me that the date of the wedding of your ward1 was established for the approaching Thursday, 10 Sivan. Please convey to her my blessing that the wedding should be in a good and auspicious hour, that [the couple] should build a house in Israel on the foundation of the Torah and its mitzvos, as they are explained in the teachings of Chassidus, bringing forth “a generation of the just who will be blessed.”2
With blessings of Mazel tov! Mazel tov!
I was happy to read in your letter that you are planning to write down your recollections of the years 5680-5686 3 when you were in Rostov. Certainly, you will write in detail, according to the saying of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe זצוקללה"ה, נבג"ם, זי"ע, that when one shares a story, one must convey all the background information, [describing] the time, the place, and the surrounding environment. As cited in the talks of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, his father, the Rebbe Rashab, had trained him by [frequently] asking him: “What do you remember?’” [His purpose was] to engrave in [his son’s] memory all those things that he had seen or heard. [At present,] when forgetfulness is more common in the world, it is very important that every story be written down, with all the particulars involved. [To cite a parallel], both sides of both the First and the Second Tablets [of the Ten Commandments] appeared as the front.4 (The First Tablets also had an effect within the world at large, causing there to be no forgetfulness.)5 See the maamarim entitled Lech Lecha,6 5666, and BeYom HaShemini Atzeres, 5689,7 et al.
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