The name of the recipient of this letter was not released.
22 Iyar, 5711,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Greetings and blessings,
In response to the pan1 you sent me: When I was at the gravesite of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe זצוקללה"ה, נבג"ם, זי"ע, I mentioned you for a blessing for all your needs. Certainly, he will arouse blessings for you and your wife that you will be completely healthy and enjoy peace of mind and peace of body. This is particularly true since — as you write in your letter — you are in possession of a letter from my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, who gives you his blessings for you to establish yourself in a desirable way of life.
In your letter, you write that you suffer from an ailment — which you do not specify — and that at any moment you are likely to suffer a serious heart attack, Heaven forbid. (In my opinion, this is not true and, after asking your forgiveness, [I must say that] you are exaggerating the situation greatly.) [You continue, saying that you feel] an iron barrier is separating [between you and G‑d], and that your prayers and the tzedakah that you [gave] has been [entirely] ineffective.
Certainly, you yourself understand that [your statements] are no more than imagination. Even if there were an iron barrier, we have been given a plain-spoken promise by our Sages2 that even an iron barrier cannot separate between Israel and her Father in heaven. Similarly, what you write — that your prayers and the tzedakah that you have given have not had an effect — [is unacceptable]. I saw a “small book” — one called the Tanach — which states that G‑d says (Malachi 3:10): “Test Me with this matter,” i.e., with the mitzvah of tzedakah. [One who fulfills it] is promised (ibid.): “I will pour out blessings for you ….” Similar concepts apply to prayer, as it is stated in numerous sources in our Sages’ teachings.
The fundamental concept is, as explained in the texts of Chassidus, that this is one of the counsels of the yetzer hara: to cause a person to fall into sadness. One must be careful not to fall into sadness even over spiritual matters. When sadness comes from other concerns, there is nothing worse than that!
You should strengthen and reinforce your trust in the principles in which the entire Jewish people — even the least worthy — believe: that the Holy One, blessed be He, is not merely the Creator of the world. He is the One Who controls it every day, every moment, and every hour. This applies not only to the world at large, but also to all the elements of the world in microcosm, [which is] man. The Holy One, blessed be He, Who is the ultimate of good, will certainly eventually show how everything is for the good, for readily apparent good, in a manner that can be appreciated even by mortal eyes. [For this to be appreciated,] however, one must strengthen his bond with the living G‑d by establishing fixed times for the study of the Torah of Life, through the service of prayer which is an act of kindness to one’s soul,3 and through strengthening the observance of the mitzvos which in general are identified with tzedakah — [as it is written]:4 Sincere tzedakah [brings] life.
I hope that in the near future, you will notify me of the improvement in your situation in a material sense and the improvement of your situation in a spiritual sense, i.e., that all thoughts of a barrier of separation have been nullified and that you will devote effort and strengthen yourself in the observance of G‑d’s command:5 “Serve G‑d with happiness.”
Enclosed is the sichah from Lag BaOmer;6 contemplate it in depth.
Awaiting good tidings,
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