The name of the person to whom this letter was sent was not released.
22 Iyar, 5711,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Greetings and blessings,
I received your pan1 in which you ask for a blessing for a cure for an affliction of your eyes and for your wife.
When I visit the gravesite of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe זצוקללה"ה, נבג"ם, זי"ע,2 I will recall both of you [and pray for your] recovery. I hope that you will be able to convey good tidings regarding these matters.
Every Jew has to establish mediums with which to receive G‑d’s blessings. Therefore, if you have not done so already, you should begin reciting Tehillim every day, reciting the portion of Tehillim as divided according to the monthly cycle so that the entire Book of Tehillim will be completed over the course of the month. You should also study a portion of Chumash every day so that over the course of the week, you will complete the weekly Torah reading. Also, you should participate in the public study sessions in the synagogue, [attending] those study sessions to which you feel drawn. Your wife should give charity to the fund of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes before lighting candles on the eve of Shabbos and on the eve of the festivals.
I hope to hear good tidings from both of you. Enclosed is a sichah from Lag BaOmer3 that has recently been printed. Study it and deepen your contemplation of it.
With blessings for a speedy recovery,
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