The name of the recipient of this letter was not released.
16 Iyar, 5711,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Greetings and blessings,
…You write that you are a student of the great sage, R. Yosef Dushinsky,1 and that you named your son after him.
You are certainly doing everything you can to continue in the path that R. Dushinsky desired. And you are certainly being gracious to others and drawing them close to Yiddishkeit. I am interested to know about this in detail.
Your statements that Yiddishkeit is very weak in your locale [should] serve as sufficient motivation [for you. For] someone who is found in a place where Yiddishkeit is weak must strengthen himself.
Regarding your statement that better emissaries are necessary for this:2 There is a well-known adage from my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe זצוקללה"ה, נבג"ם, זי"ע, that G‑d does not bring a Jew to a given place only for the purpose of providing him with material sustenance, but also for the purpose of his spiritual sustenance: that he should illuminate the place in which he settles. When you begin applying yourself to this goal — and applying yourself ardently — G‑d will bring you success and you will be able to share good news about these efforts.
Enclosed is a sichah from Lag BaOmer3 from my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe זצוקללה"ה, נבג"ם, זי"ע, that was printed just now. You will surely read it and it will benefit your Divine service.
Awaiting good news; with blessing,
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