The name of the addressee was not released.
B”H, 21 Menachem Av, 5710
Greetings and blessings,
In response to your undated letter, that a shidduch with ... has been suggested to you. From your letter, it is apparent that you have not made a decision in either direction although, in general, the “faults” that you mention in my perception are not faults.
I am amazed that you write that you heard that with regard to [problems with the observance of] Shabbos or kashrus, there is utterly no question....1 Is this enough for the daughter of a tamim2 and a youth who is a tamim?!3 But this way of looking at things most likely stems from your pessimistic disposition.4 Therefore according to my opinion, it is proper that you meet once or twice more; then it will become clearer to you whether you feel attracted or not.
Certainly, you have fixed times for the study of the teachings of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ"מ, in addition to the other study sessions applicable to all others.
With blessing,
Menachem Schneerson
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