The name of the recipient of this letter was not released.
B”H, 7 Tammuz, 5710
Greetings and blessings,
I am enclosing the kuntres which was just published for the coming Festival of Redemption, Yud-Beis Tammuz. I am certain that in addition to studying it yourself, you will share it with many others and the merit of others will be dependent on you.1
It is still difficult to write about the passing of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ"מ, but it is necessary for us to remember at all times the increased responsibility which this has placed upon every one of us. In particular, this applies to those who merited to have seen him many times, and those who merited that he saw them many times and thought about them many times.
This memory should call forth a strengthening of the spiritual powers these individuals possess with greater intensity and might, particularly, in enabling one to be forbearing and patient. [This applies] even if one thinks that he is entirely correct, as the Rebbe writes in the maamar of Shabbos Teshuvah, 5710 (Kuntres 70).2
We must always remember that we are the Rebbe’s men and ask ourselves the question: Is the Rebbe happy with the manner in which I am conducting myself? Have I subjugated and transformed [my character] to the extent appropriate for the Rebbe’s man?....
[Even] if kohanim are strict and exacting,3 they are also descendants of Aharon, who was “a love[r] of peace and a pursue[r] of peace.”4 In particular, [this applies to] kohanim who are disciples of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ"מ, who always demanded ahavas Yisrael and seeing only the positive qualities possessed by another person (see the sichah in the enclosed kuntres).5
I think that it is not necessary to elaborate on the above, and [hope]that in the near future, I shall receive notice that you have reached a state of peace, [encompassing] all particulars.
With blessings for all forms of good and awaiting your letter with tidings of a desirable peace,
Rabbi Menachem Schneerson
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