This letter was sent to R. Benyamin Gorodetzky, a chassid who headed the office for the aid of refugees which received financial assistance from the Joint Distribution Committee.
B”H, 3 Nissan, 5710
Greetings and blessings,
I acknowledge receipt of your letter from 24-28 Adar. Your perspective — that with regard to obtaining an entry permit for R. Michael [Lipsker to North Africa], it is appropriate to use secure and speedy means, even if it will increase the expenses — is very correct, and certainly you will continue to follow this approach.
Enclosed is a copy of my letter to R. Michael Lipsker.
Nothing was received for March as of yet.
Please give the committee for the branches1 50 [dollars] on the account of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch.2
With wishes for a kosher Pesach holiday,
M. Schneerson
It is not yet official, but there is discussion about [the possibility of Rabbi] Zhaler receiving the Rabbinic position in the synagogue of Montevideo Street.3 Please inform me of your opinion on this matter and whether you know any details of this Rabbinic position.
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