This letter was addressed to R. Yosef Flier.

B”H, 13 Adar, 5710

Greetings and blessings,

I acknowledge receipt of your letter of 5 Adar and your letter to my wife. In her name and in my name, I would like to express thanks for your words and your joining in our suffering, [a loss] in which you share as well.

Rabbeinu Yonah (in his gloss to Berachos, ch. 3) states that comforting mourners is [a mitzvah] of Scriptural origin and that mourners should even comfort each other.

On the surface, it is difficult to understand: With what can a mourner comfort another one who is mourning with him? He is languishing in mourning just as he is.

Nevertheless, the very fact that he shows the mourner that he is not alone in his pain, but there is a second and a third one, [etc., who share it] and wish to comfort him, except that — due to the extent of the pain — they are not able to find consolation, is itself a comforting thought.

The words of the Alter Rebbe from his letter of consolation1are well known: that the spirit of [a tzaddik] who passed away is actually present in our midst. Indeed, he is present in this world more than during his lifetime. [Influence from him] can be received by bonding2 to his ways. The inner focus of [the Rebbe’s] ways was that each person — man and woman — should involve himself in his Divine service as they are integrated and united through the love of G‑d, the love of the Torah, and the love of Jewish people.

I am certain that you will also continue to proceed in this path and, indeed, with greater strength and greater power, because this is the immediate imperative.

I will conclude in the same manner as I concluded my introduction to the kuntres:3Just as here he stood and dutifully served, there too he stands and dutifully serves....4

Rabbi Menachem Schneerson