This letter was addressed to R. Michael Lipsker, the Rebbe’s shaliach in Morocco.1

B”H, 17 Kislev, 5711

Greetings and blessings,

...With blessings for the holiday of our redemption and the deliverance of our souls. With greetings to the entire fellowship,

Menachem Schneerson

I just received your letter from Sunday, the week of [Parshas] Vayishlach, together with the pan enclosed within, which, without committing myself by vow, I will read at the gravesite on the coming Yud-Tes Kislev.

With regard to the question you ask in your letter that [some of the community] have suggested adding the name Kesser Torah to the name of our yeshivah: There is reason for caution regarding this because the members of the committee that you established for our yeshivah are the members of the yeshivah that existed previously. Thus if the name of the yeshivah will be the same as that of the yeshivah that existed previously, there are grounds for suspicion that they will conduct themselves as one who acts [freely], in his own property. [This is] particularly [true] since it appears from your previous letters that you wish to obtain the license from the government for our yeshivah on the basis of the previous license [given to] the Yeshivah Kesser Torah. Much caution is necessary to protect the basic structure of the institutions of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ"מ. And this is impossible unless [the prerogative of making] decisions on all matters will be in the hands of [one of] the temimim2 who was educated by my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ"מ.

..You have certainly already written to R. Shlomo Matusof3 regarding obtaining an entry visa to your present country as is fitting with regard to what I wrote you in my previous letters.

In the coming days, it is possible that I will receive a translation of my letter to Mr. Yosef Barduga.4 Regardless, please notify me if he received my letter and if anything additional is necessary.

Certainly you will remind the Rav of Midlet about the holy texts.5