This letter was addressed to R. Michael Lipsker, the Rebbe’s shaliach in Morocco.1
B”H, 11 Kislev, 5711,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Greetings and blessings,
Your letter from the Wednesday of Parshas Toldos was received. In response:
a) I was happy to be informed that all the obstacles and hindrances were removed. You will certainly try to do everything possible so that Rabbi Toledano2 and the communal leader, Mr. Yosef Barduga, will both be involved in your activities there. Rely on your own judgment how to arrange the matter.
b) With regard to the names of the institutions: I have already indicated that there should be a general name, Oholei Yosef Yitzchak. Under that [title] ([perhaps] in parenthesis) should be stated: “Named after and under the presidency of the revered Lubavitcher Rebbe.” In addition to this general name, there should come the particular name on whose stationery the letter is being written, e.g., the Teacher’s Seminary, the Yeshivah, Tiferes Bachurim.3 I hope that there will not be difficulties in [having others] agree to the above rendering. In any event, the name Lubavitch should be stated on the stationeries.
c) Regarding your statements that a committee of five was established and from now on, all requests should be made to this committee. It is self-understood that [this arrangement] should be [carried out] in such a way that the purity of the spirit of the institutions will be maintained and that no foreign attitudes should be intermingled among them.
..With regard to your questions concerning [your] involvement in the education of girls: It is difficult to give instructions from here regarding the particular matters involved. The general point is that there are several customs of modesty with regard to women and girls that have been practiced among Sefardim for several generations. Therefore great care must be taken regarding the education of their girls so that it will not be said that from the time Lubavitch arrived in their community, a transition was made from a higher level of holiness to a lower one. Consequently, it is understood that, at the outset, inquiries should be made among their devout [leaders] and their elders which customs were practiced by their ancestors. Even if it is necessary that there be changes, the changes should be made in a manner that precludes the possibility of [eliciting] disparaging remarks [regarding the relaxation of standards of] holiness.
I am hurrying to send this letter. I will answer regarding the other matters in future letters.
With blessings for great success,
M. Schneerson
The lists of the students from Meknes and Midlet were just received (in the latter, the names of [the students’] mothers were not recorded).4 The names of the teacher’s mothers were not recorded. Without obligating myself by vow, I will read them at the gravesite on the coming Rosh HaShanah of Chassidus.5
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