The name of the recipient of this letter was not released.
B”H, 26 MarCheshvan, 5711,
Greetings and blessings,
In addition to the telegram, with this I am repeating again my blessings, blessings of Mazel Tov, for the birth of your daughter.... May you raise her to Torah study, marriage, and good deeds amidst prosperity.
I was happy to hear that you named your daughter on Thursday. According to what my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ"מ, told me, once, when one of the daughters of the Mitteler Rebbe gave birth, the Alter Rebbe summoned him and told him that even though there are reasons to say that one should wait and name a daughter at the Torah reading on Shabbos, for particular reasons, this should not be done. [The Mitteler Rebbe then] named his daughter at the Torah reading that was closest to the day of the birth.
Since my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ"מ, told me this in connection with [the birth of a daughter] to a person here, that indicates that this is a general directive1 for everyone.2
As per your request, your daughter’s name was registered in the Book of Life and Light.3
Awaiting good tidings, particularly, concerning the proper health of your wife, your daughter who was born in good fortune, and your son; with blessings to you and all the members of your household,
Menachem Schneerson
Enclosed is a receipt and a digest of the talks from Shabbos Bereishis. Certainly you will read with attention secs. 21 and 22,4 and publicize them in the appropriate manner.
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