The name of the recipient of this letter was not released.
B”H, 5 Cheshvan, 5711,
Greetings and blessings,
I received your letter together with the pan. As you requested, I read it at the gravesite of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ"מ, regarding your request to be blessed with viable offspring.
The “tzaddik who has departed and who is to be found in all the worlds more prominently than during his lifetime” — as stated in the Zohar, Vol.III, p. 71b — will arouse mercy on your behalf to fulfill the desires of your heart for good.
I would be interested in knowing the opinions of the doctors in this regard. In my opinion, you and also your wife should consult doctors and act according to their directives.
I would also like to make a suggestion — based on the adage [told by] the Maggid of Mezritch to his student, the Alter Rebbe, the compiler of the Tanya and the Shulchan Aruch, when he asked him [for a blessing] for a son. [The Maggid] answered him, citing the wording of the verse:1 “With what will a youth... merit...” ([and interpreting it figuratively as:] “With what will one merit [a youth,” i.e.,] a son)?” Through orcho ([which in the context of the verse means “his path,”2 but figuratively can be interpreted as] the mitzvah of welcoming guests).
May it be G‑d’s will that through the study of the Torah, the observance of mitzvos in general and the mitzvah of welcoming guests in particular, and also through following the natural means by following the directives of an expert in this field, you will merit the birth of a healthy son. I would be happy to hear good tidings regarding this.
I would be interested in knowing the particulars of your communal activities with which you are certainly endeavoring to bring merit to people at large in the appropriate manner.
[From] one who blesses you and awaits good tidings,
Menachem Schneerson
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