This letter was sent to R. Moshe Prager, who was actively involved in outreach to individuals who had suffered in the Holocaust.

B”H, the day before Rosh HaShanah, 5711

Greetings and blessings,

I thankfully acknowledge receipt of your telegram. Anyone who gives blessings will himself be blessed 1 in all that he needs, both materially and spiritually.

Although, in particular, there is a difference between the responsibilities incumbent on officers, soldiers, and all the ordinary members of the people, at the time of the coronation of the king, they share a common factor. All of them accept upon themselves the yoke of his kingship. It is through this that a bond is established between the king and the people concerning the kingship, even though in essence, they share no commonality. In particular, this applies in the matter of present concern, Rosh HaShanah, for then the Holy One, blessed be He, asks His people, [as it were]: “Make Me King over you.” 2

Just as a body is healthy when its connection to the head is intact, so, too, a year is healthy only when its connection with its “head” is vibrant.

Implied is that the resolutions we take upon ourselves on Rosh HaShanah with kabbalas ol (acceptance of G‑d’s yoke), even though the mind does not agree, must be carried out in actual deed throughout the year.

The positive quality of a chassid — any type of a chassid: a Polish chassid, a Chabad chassid, a Galician chassid — is that even this kabbalas ol is carried out with happiness. As a matter of course, the service is then carried out in a complete manner.

With blessings for a kesivah vachasimah tovah for a good and sweet year,

Rabbi Menachem Schneerson

What is ultimately the situation concerning the [Jewish] education of the youths immigrating [to Eretz Yisrael]? 3 What are “the paths of peace” necessary to improve it?