The name of the recipient of this letter was not released.
B”H, 16 Elul, 5710
Blessings and greetings, 1
I received your letter of 27 Menachem Av in which you describe your situation and complain [about your character faults], that you are lacking kindnessand piety.
In Chassidus, 2 and this is also cited in a maamar 3 of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ"מ, it is stated that in Elul, G‑d is like a king who goes out to the field. There everyone can approach him, and there he accepts everyone with a pleasant countenance and a smile, regardless of the situation of the man or woman who approaches him.
In the analogue, in the month of Elul, the last month of the year, when we undergo spiritual stocktaking for the entire previous year, a person does not have to be afraid when he thinks over all of his actions in the previous year.
We tell him: You should know that even though you are in the field and do not know whether it is befitting to allow you to enter a place where eminent people live, you should, nevertheless, know that the King of kings has come out to you in the field. And there you can immediately approach Him with your request and He will accept you with a pleasant countenance and a smile. Therefore you have no reason to be afraid.
Even though the outcome of the spiritual stocktaking you made of [your] deeds, speech, and thoughts is not positive, since you are dealing with a merciful Father, if you make a resolution that from now on everything that you do will be as G‑d wants, you will surely receive a kesivah vachasimah tovah, a good and sweet year, both for the body and the soul.
In particular, a mother who has raised children who are following a righteous path, the path of Torah and the path of Chassidus,should feel encouraged, for this is one of the greatest merits that a woman can have. This will help you emerge from your present undesirable situation and lead you on the proper path to benefit from material and spiritual goodness.
The Rebbe knew — and knows — of the weakness that exists among the men and the women of the Chassidic brotherhood. Nevertheless, without paying attention to that, he prayed for them and prays for them for what they need in the general categories of children, health, and sustenance, and that G‑d should forgive their sins, taking into consideration the circumstances in which they are found and the challenges of the yetzer hara.
Therefore we must all make a firm resolve that from now on, we will conduct ourselves better. This resolve will draw down blessing and success so that we — and you and all the members of your household are included in this general grouping — will all have a good and sweet year. Everyone will have the desires of his heart for good. We will be frum and as a result, goodness will be manifest in both material and spiritual matters.
At an appropriate time, I will remember all those whom you mentioned in your letter at the gravesite of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ"מ, for blessings and for a kesivah vachasimah tovah for a good and sweet year. Certainly, you will be able to inform me of good news concerning you and your entire household.
Menachem Schneerson
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