By the Grace of G‑d
24th of Tammuz, 5733
[July 24, 1973]
Brooklyn, N.Y.

This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 18 as well as previous correspondence, and enclosures. I regret the delay in acknowledging . . .

To begin with, I was truly gratified to note your keen interest and actual accomplishment in regard to the acquired premises in Jerusalem. May G‑d grant that now that possession has been taken, the activities will proceed at an accelerated pace. Time is, of course, of the utmost essence, for, as we have had occasion to emphasize it before, if the new olim are not taken care of immediately upon their arrival, the opportunity may be irretrievably lost, what with their getting involved with problems of housing, parnosso, adjustment, etc. Especially as these problems often bring them in contact with the ruling party controlling the purse strings, and consequently, to some extent at least, also under its influence. No need to elaborate to you on this.

Needless to say, I was especially gratified to read in your letter that you are very happy with your children’s schooling at the Lubavitch School. May G‑d grant the fulfillment of your best expectations in this as well as in all other areas, “out of His full, open, holy and ample Hand.”

P.S. I trust you will not take amiss my following remarks. I am certain that all the matters relating to the year of mourning for your father, peace to him, are being carried out. I would like, however, to call attention to the custom of learning Mishnayot after each of the three daily prayers, apart from Mishnayot learned for his soul by others. While it is preferable to learn it from the original, the important thing is to understand the content, hence learning from a translation is in order. Also, it is customary to set aside a coin for Tzedaka before Shacharit and Mincha on weekdays. However, all these things should be done bli neder.

Now that we are in the period of the Three Weeks, of which it is written and assured that these days will be converted into days of gladness and joy, may this prophecy be soon fulfilled, both in regard to personal loss as well as the general loss of our people, both of which are intimately connected, as pointed out in the letter of condolence, and may we all soon merit to see the true and complete Redemption through Moshiach.