By the Grace of G‑d
25th of Tammuz, 5726 [July 13, 1966]
Brooklyn NY.

Blessing and Greeting:

After not hearing from you for a long time, I was pleased to receive your letter postdated May 29th, though I regret that my acknowledgment has unavoidably been delayed. I was particularly gratified to note that some matters which we discussed during your visit are in the process of being activated.

I wish to take this opportunity of expressing also my gratification at the reports which I received about your participation in the Convention of the Chabad women, and especially the impact of your address on that occasion.

May G‑d grant that you should see the fruits of your influence m an enduring and generous measure.

The Zechus of your and your husband's influence, both by Word of mouth, and even more by a living example, should Hand you and yours in good stead in all our needs, especially to have true Nachas, which is Yiddish Torah Nachas, from your children and offspring.

With kind regards to your husband and your son, as well as your other children whom I have not yet met, may they all be blessed.

With blessing,