By the Grace of G‑d
2 Tammuz, 5727 [July 10, 1967]
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Greeting and Blessing:

Your letter reached me with some delay. In the meantime I was pleased to see your husband at the farbrengen here.

As for the subject matter of your letter, you surely know that the Torah tells us that the conquest of the promised Holy Land was to take place by stages. The same applies, in a deeper sense, to the personal conquest of the self.

In other words, when it comes to personal advancement in matters of Yiddishkeit, the best method is sometimes precisely in the way of a gradual conquest, step by step, and stage by stage, rather than by means of a drastic change.

Of course there are certain situations and matters where a drastic change may be necessary, but by and large steady progress is usually steadier than progress by fits and starts.

In light of the above, and in regard to the matter which you mentioned, it is possible that you may be pushing a little too hard. It is perhaps advisable that inasmuch as you have expressed your opinion, and it was not accepted, it is better to leave it alone until such time as the other party will himself come to the same conclusion. I trust that this will come to pass sooner than you anticipate.

I trust that you have begun your summer vacation in a suitable way, and may G‑d grant that the vacation will generate new strength and power to be able to carry on all good activities with increased vigor.

Above all, I reiterate the central point, namely that you and your husband should together bring up your children in good health and happiness, materially and spiritually.

We have now entered the particularly auspicious month, the month of Tammuz, with the anniversary of the liberation of my father-in-law of saintly memory, the history of which is undoubtedly familiar to you.

This anniversary is not something which affected only the personal fate of my father-in-law of saintly memory, but was of far-reaching consequences for Russian Jewry and world Jewry as a whole.

Indeed, my father-in-law of saintly memory, referring to his miraculous geula, wrote explicitly to that effect, saying, "It was not me personally that G‑d had saved, but it was a salvation for Yiddishkeit in general."

The anniversary therefore is an occasion for celebration and inspiration for each and every one of us every year at this time.

But this year is particularly significant inasmuch as it will mark the fortieth anniversary. As our Sages explained, the completion of forty years provides special understanding, appreciation and insight into the mind and personality of one's teacher.

I trust you will suitably observe this coming anniversary on the 12- 3th of Tammuz, and derive lasting inspiration from it.

The obvious lesson which we must draw from it is this: If a Jew can accomplish so much for Yiddishkeit single-handedly, despite overwhelming odds and obstacles, how much must each and everyone one of us try to do our share, being fortunate in living under infinitely better circumstances, with complete freedom of action to strengthen and spread Torah-Yiddishkeit.

With regards to the whole family and with the blessing of Chag HaGeula,