By the Grace of G‑d
28th of Tammuz, 5722 [July 30, 1962]
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Mr. Dov Lent
c/o Gateshead Yeshiva
Sholom uBrocho:
I received your letter of July 25, and the previous one. As requested, I will remember all those mentioned in your letter, in prayer, when visiting the holy resting place of my father-in-law of saintly memory.
I send you my prayerful wishes to have Hatzlocho in your Torah learning with devotion and diligence, and I trust that you have regular Shiurim in Chassidus.
At this time in the period of the Three Weeks, you surely know that the purpose of the remembrance is a practical one, to correct the mistakes of the past which led to the Destruction and Exile and hasten the Redemption of our people through Teshuvah and increased devotion to the Torah and Mitzvoth.
Hoping to hear good news from you,
With blessing,
P.S. The enclosed excerpt will surely be of interest to you and your friends.
(Following is the content of the enclosed excerpt)
Mr. Dov Lent
The location of the Tefillin on the head is, of course, explicitly given in the Shulchan Aruch. If you have noticed that a certain person seems to have placed the Tefillin lower than the original hairline, it is undoubtedly because the hair of that person had receded, and from a distance it would have been difficult for you to determine actually where the original hairline was. On the other hand, it is also possible that at that particular time the Shel-Rosh had slipped unknowingly to the person, although he usually frequently checks the position with his hand as required by the Din.
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