By the Grace of G‑d
24th of Tammuz, 5739 [July 19, 1979]
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Greeting and Blessing:

I am in receipt of your letter of the 17th of Tammuz, in which you write about two happenings recently, connected with Tzitzis and Tefillin.

In general, there are so many clear and specific instructions and teachings in the Shulchan Aruch connected with these two basic Mitzvahs, that there is no need to look for other interpretations.

However, since you wrote to me and requested some explanation, I want to emphasize what is mutual and common to Tzitzis and Tefillin. Our Sages declare that the whole Torah has been compared to the Mitzvah of Tefillin, and of Tzitzis it is written, "And you will see it and remember all G‑d's Mitzvahs." Thus, the common denominator of the two happenings that you mentioned, namely in connection with Tzitzis and Tefillin, is to emphasize forcefully the need to strengthen adherence to all the Mitzvahs in the everyday life and conduct, and since you are a Yeshiva student, it is particularly indicated that there should be a growing measure of devotion and diligence in the study of the Torah.

A further point - in view of the fact that every Jew is duty-bound to do all he can to spread and strengthen Yiddishkeit in his surroundings, and one of the most effective ways of doing it is through showing a shining example, the above-mentioned increased efforts on your part in matters of Torah and Mitzvahs will have a good influence all around you, and at the same time enable you to fulfill more fully the Mitzvah of V'Ohavto L'Reacho Komocho Wishing you Hatzlocho in all above,

With blessing,