B.H. 21st of Shevat, 57291
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Dr. Zeev Greene
School of Public Health University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minn.

Sholom uBrocho:

Thank you very much for your correspondence and enclosures. I am particularly appreciative of your thoughtfulness in sending me the enclosures, for, obviously, they are a source of true gratification to me.

I need hardly add that I was also very pleased to read the copy of your article in the Commentary. (If Rabbi _______ had taken a liberty in showing it to me, we will keep it confidential.) Knowing you, and not underestimating your influence, I will apply to your article a paraphrase of the saying of our Sages, “more than is written there still remains to be said.”

May I also add a further point, and I believe an essential one, to the explanations mentioned in your article as to how you and Mrs. Greene and your children have found the true path in life. It is that the Supreme Providence has chosen you to be special messengers to bring the word of G‑d to those circles where others could not have had access to, or at any rate, could not have had the same effectiveness and success. I am referring to the academic and scientific circles which wield considerable influence on Jewish youth, particularly in this day and age. More specifically—on young men and women going into scientific careers, who are yet to establish families of their own. In other words, they represent not individuals but family units, and the beneficiaries will become the benefactors, in the way of a chain reaction. This, indeed, is also what you have in mind, as I see from your letters! To use a much used phrase, our living in the “Jet Age,” I hope and pray that your influence be swift and far-reaching, and that you bring it about in joy and gladness of heart.

Wishing you particular Hatzlocho on your overseas trip, especially in London,

With blessing, /signature