This letter was addressed to R. Aryeh Leib Gellman, one of the leaders of the Mizrachi movement in Eretz Yisrael.
B”H, 17 Teves, 5711,
Greetings and blessings,
I remember the statements [These letters are acronyms for the Hebrew phrases that mean “May the memory of a tzaddik be a blessing for the life of the World to Come”; “His soul is in the hidden realms on high”; “May his merit protect us”; and “May I serve as an atonement for his resting place.”] made with regard to you: that even though you lead a particular party, you have the ability to rise above party [concerns] when it comes to questions that affect our people as a whole and matters that are of paramount importance. Relying on those words, I am writing this letter.
It is certainly unnecessary to draw your attention to the situation of the education of the children and the youth making aliyah to our Holy Land and the great aggravation and danger involved in this matter. Undoubtedly, in your heart, you are sensitive to this issue. It is also certainly not hidden from you that, regardless of how bad the situation was previously, from the time the children were moved to the maaveros,1 it has become worse and worse.
There are many types of problems.
There are problems that involve matters that are merely transitory. There are problems that affect a broader scope. And there are problems that affect not only our generation, but the future generations.
There are problems involving superficial matters and there are problems involving inner matters and some [that involve] vital matters upon which the essence of our survival depends.
Although there are various [other] problems that demand attention —including some of a pressing nature — the problem of the education of the above-mentioned [youths] demands priority because it is fundamental to the very continued existence of our people which is dependent on their religious and ethical standing (for even the teachings of ethics are rooted in faith). [This is] important, not only for our generation, but for future generations.
It is obvious that peace and harmony are of paramount important in all matters2 and the Torah commands that one should begin with an overture of peace.3 Nevertheless, the question of the education of these children should not be sacrificed and totally consumed on the altar of peace.
After this introduction — and I am sure you share my viewpoint on all these matters — I would like to express my great astonishment regarding the ongoing silence on the part of the people under your influence and, particularly, from yourself with regard to the question of the education of the children making aliyah to our Holy Land. Although at times, a public protest has been made on your part, until now, these protests have had no actual effect in improving the situation.
Even more so, my astonishment grew while reading in the newspapers about the Mizrachi convention in Atlantic City. For although the matter was touched upon by certain speakers, when the matter came to the stage of making resolutions, the entire problem was passed over in utter silence, as if the problem had been resolved in the proper way or that the situation was already past the point of despair.
I hope, based on the above-mentioned words of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ"מ, that you will rise above your party affiliations in this matter and endeavor with all your resources of strength to do whatever is possible to correct the terrible situation that prevails concerning the education of the children of the people who made aliyah.[In that way, you will be] fulfilling your responsibility and taking part in saving tens of thousands of Jewish boys and girls from the terrible danger that hovers over them — the danger of the denial of G‑d, Heaven forbid.
If my letter will help [you] to reveal your potential to do this from a hidden state to actual [deed], this will be my reward.
With blessing,
Menachem Schneerson
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