By the Grace of G‑d
Erev Shabbos Kodesh,1 Shabbos HaGodol,2 Tzav3
11 Nissan, Nasi: Asher4
5747. Brooklyn, N.Y.
To the Sons and Daughters of
Our People Israel, Everywhere —
G‑d bless you all!
Greeting and Blessing:
Pursuant to the letter of Erev Shabbos-Kodesh Mevarchim Chodesh Nissan, in which the discussion centered on the concept of חפזון (‘haste’) that is connected with Yetzias Mitzrayim and is one of the special features that distinguish the Pesach festival from all other festivals, as this is also emphasized in the name of the festival — Pesach (in the meaning of ‘passing over’); and particularly as to how this concept is actualized and expressed in terms of חפזון דקדושה (‘haste in the realm of holiness’) in everyday Jewish living according to Torah and Mitzvos —
It is well to consider several additional points in connection with the above.
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It has often been discussed that the Torah pervades the world in all its aspects. This is what our Sages taught where they said: ‘The Creator looked into the Torah and created the world.’5 In other words, the Torah is, so to say, the Divine ‘blueprint’6 according to which the entire world was created and exists. Most explicitly and clearly this is manifested in the Jewish life, down to the individual Jew,7 in every detail.
In light of the above it is more readily understandable why all matters and aspects of Jewish daily life are connected with Torah and Mitzvos; and certainly more so during the holy days of Shabbos and Yom Tov, including the preparations they entail; and particularly so in all matters relating to Pesach — the first (and foremost) of all our Festivals.
The said connection expresses itself in all activities of the mind and heart and body, and most importantly — in actual deed,8 namely, the performance of Mitzvos and customary practices, since Jewish customs also have the force of Torah,9 whether they are customs followed by all Jews (Klal Yisrael), or customs that are followed by many Jews, or by a ‘holy Jewish congregation,’ and so forth.
In regard to Pesach — the emphasis is on ‘haste’ and alacrity. Thus we see, for example, how Jews particularly Yiddishe housewives, also children big and small, involve themselves enthusiastically in the preparations for Pesach many days in advance. Even in exceptional cases of Jews who relocate10 for Pesach to a ready ‘Pesachdik abode,’11 they, too, nevertheless find an ample array of preparations for Pesach and carry them out eagerly and enthusiastically.
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A similar connection exists in relation to the two topics on which special attention has been focused recently, both orally and in writing.12
The three ‘quality indicators’ discussed, namely, humility, compassion, and benevolence,13 are not limited to, or by, a particular place or time. In a truly humble person, humility is reflected in his conduct wherever he or she is and at all times. The same is true of the pertinent qualities of compassionate and benevolent individuals.
As for the second topic, namely, that of the month of Nissan, it has been emphasized that this ‘Month of Geula’14 is related to, and connected with, the Geulah Shleimah, the complete, final,15 and eternal Geula16 of אחרית הימים,17 the ‘Latter Days,’ of which Torah declares: At the time of the End (Ketz), many shall clear themselves and cleanse themselves and purify themselves.18
This process has become clearly discernable in our age19 — an era which shows signs (indicated in Torah) of the ‘Latter Days,’ with its extraordinary phenomena and developments in various areas and directions: in the direction of the positive — displaying uncommon ‘strength and speed’; as well as in the direction of undesirable things that have to be refined and purified to their completeness and perfection. It is an ongoing process that has been accelerated by leaps and bounds, in a manner of חפזון, with suddenness and wonderment.
Now comes the Month of Geulah, and from the beginning of Nissan to Erev-Pesach we are reminded daily that we are approaching the end of the ‘Mitzrayim’ — of the Galus, in the last days of clarification, to determine what is ‘Chametz’ and what is ‘Matzah,’ and it is necessary to make haste to search and clean out the Chametz ‘by the light of a candle,’20 i.e., by the light of the soul21 which is ‘G‑d’s Candle’:22 to search out even hidden ‘Chametz’ and to throw out and nullify anything that is the opposite of goodness and holiness.
There is need for an increasing effort to strengthen within and around one’s self, and in the world at large, the urgency of kedushah and soul-searching illumination. This will hasten still more the complete Geulah through Mashiach Tzidkeinu — as we pray with David, the Sweetener of the Melodies of Our People Israel:23
A prayer by David24 ..I am but a poor and wanting man — though he is David the King he is humble and deeply feels his spiritual inadequacies. And what does he pray for to HaShem: Guard Your servant25 (in the realm of ‘do good’); all this in such complete measure that he can say: Bring joy to the soul of Your servant27 — through serving HaShem with joy and gladness of heart;28
And being concerned also in behalf of all humanity,29 David goes on to predict confidently: All the nations30 that You have created will come and worship before You, O G‑d —
Because by our actions and service31 we will hasten the fulfillment of HaShem’s commandment through Moshe (quoted by Rabbeinu Moshe Ben Maimon, the Rambam)32 that makes it obligatory for Jews to promote the Seven Noahite Laws (with all their ramifications) among all the nations of the world.
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May HaShem help and grant Hatzlocho that all preparations for Pesach, including those that have been touched upon in this letter and the foregoing one, should be carried out in a way that will effectively and manifestly permeate all the days of the year in all matters, ‘in all your actions,’ and ‘in all your ways’33 with a sense of urgency and eagerness. And the urgency and eagerness in the realm of holiness here on earth will bring forth a corresponding34 urgent and speedy end of the Galus, followed immediately by the Geulah, without delay as much as even an eye wink,35 as in the days of your going out of Mitzrayim36 (in a manner of) manifest wonders,37
With the true and complete Geulah through Mashiach Tzidkeinu in our very own days, immediately.
With blessing for Hatzlocho in all above,
and for a Kosher and Joyous Pesach,
/Signed: Menachem Schneerson/
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