Much is known about the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s leadership, vision and countless hours he devoted to teaching Torah and Jewish mysticism. Perhaps less known was his devotion to individuals—the people who crossed his path, leaving them with the gift of love, care and genuine personal concern.

Even as the Rebbe involved himself with matters of world importance, he never forgot the little girl in need of a smile, the student questioning life and the future, the worried parents aching for assurance . . .

The following six video clips from the vast archive of JEM’s “My Encounter with the Rebbe” project feature some of the people whose lives were touched by the Rebbe’s individualized approach to all.

1. The Rebbe Raised an Orphan

After his parents succumbed to hunger, Yona Kesse was left an orphan on the streets of Dnepropetrovsk. Alone in the synagogue—he had nowhere else to go—he was approached by a youth four years older than him . . .

Watch Yona’s fascinating account, in his own words, and in the words of his wife, Carmela.

2. You Need to Speak to Yourself

Today, Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb is executive vice president emeritus of the Orthodox Union. But decades earlier, at the very start of his professional career, he was confused and conflicted. He turned to the Rebbe with a personal question. The answer he received is applicable to each and every one of us.

Watch Rabbi Weinreb tell his story and find a lesson that you can apply to your life.

3. A Single Mom and Her Daughter

Dana Horn was a little girl when she and her mother moved to the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y., where the Rebbe lived and worked. The Rebbe took them “under his wing,” showering them with comfort, guidance and assurance.

Watch Dana Horn tell how the Rebbe made a difference in their lives.

4. Wounded? Exceptional!

Throughout the decades, the Rebbe dedicated countless hours to the Israeli Defence Forces, maintaining strong connection with the top military brass, many of whom would come to him for his incisive advice. When a group of wounded Israeli veterans arrived in the United States, they merited to a unique visit with the Rebbe, during which they felt that the Rebbe understood their situation like no one else.

Watch the leader of the delegation describe the historical meeting.

5. The Honey Cake Distribution Had Ended, but One Girl Didn’t Get Some . . .

She’d been on her feet all day, and now she would miss her moment with the Rebbe! She stood by the door and sobbed. But the Rebbe noticed her.

Watch Leah Aizenman tell her story.

6. “Not While I Live”

Nathan Yellin-Mor was a fighter, political activist and journalist who wrote inflammatory articles on a variety of subjects. He knew that the Rebbe did not agree with many of his positions. So he was shocked by what the Rebbe had to tell him about his writing.

Later, he gave a packet of articles to a Chabad journalist with the instruction that they not be published until after his death.

Watch the full story in the following two videos: