This letter was addressed to Mr. Yaakov Gripel.

B”H, betweenRoshHaShanah and Yom Kippur, 5707

Greetings and blessings,

I just discovered that the Weinreichs, relatives of yours who are now living close to you, lived in the same city as my revered father, R. Levi Yitzchak, during the last years of his [life]. I have not, as of yet, been able to receive any information concerning this period of his life including his illness, his will, his passing, his burial, and the day of the yahrzeit. From the depths of my heart, I thank them if they would kindly write to me regarding the above. This would be considered a mitzvah for them.

I do not know [your relatives’] address, therefore I am troubling you with regard to this. I hope that you will fulfill this soulfelt request.

Concluding with wishes for a chasimah and a gmar chasimah tovah,

Rabbi Menachem Schneerson
Chairman of the Executive Committee