
1) See, at length, Likkutei Sichos Vol. IX, P.187 and further, and sources listed there

2) HaYom Yom P.52

3) Kuntreis Motzaei Shabbos Parshas Noach, Sec.7, and FN. 36

4) Chayei Sarah, 23:1

5) Rashi, ibid

6) Commentary on words “And these were the years”

7) Likkutei Sichos, Vo1.V, Parshas Chayei Sarah, and addenda, ibid

8) End of Tractate Berachos, see also Targum Yehonason Psalms, ch.84.v.8, see Likkutei Sichos, MarCheshvan 20, 5736

9) Psalms, ibid, Berachos, ibid end of Tractate Moed Katan

10) Maamar “Tze’enah Ure’enah” 5660, also, Torah Ohr, end of Vayeishev; in many places

11) Lech Lecha, 12:1

12) ibid, 12:4

13) ibid, 12:5

14) See, at length, Maamar “Lech Lecha,” 5738, and Kuntreis Motzaei Shabbos Parshas “Lech Lecha,” 5738, sources listed there.

15) Lech Lecha, 12:2

16) ibid, 17:15

17) Rashi, ibid

18) See Gur Aryeh, beginning of Lech Lecha, section beg. “Bas Esrim.” See Likkutei Sichos, Vo1.V, P. 97 and further, and fn.22

19) Rashi, beg. of Chayei Sarah, also R’ Eliyahu Mizrachi, ibid

20) Likkutei Torah, Bracha P. 93 column3, Zohar Chayei Sarah, 123A, Likkutei Torah Tzav,l0A, commentary on Zohar by Mitteler Rebbe and Tzemach Tzedek, ibid

21) Likkutei Sichos, Vo1.I, pg. 307; many places

22) Ethics of Our Fathers, end of ch.5

23) Iggeres Hakodesh, ch.27 Siddur(with commentary Shaar Lag BaOmer p.304B

24) Rashi, Chayei Sarah, 23:2 see further in Sicha, sec.9

25) Bamidbar Rabbah ch.l2,sec.3

26) Likkutei Sichos, Vo1.VI, p. 236 and further

27) Zohar Vo1.III P.53B

28) Rashi, beginning of Parshah

29) Chayei Sarah, 24:42

30) Shir HaShirim Rabbah ch. 1, sec.3, see Maamar “Lereach Shmanecha” 5706, beginning.

31) Tractate Kiddushin 32B, Avodah Torah 19A

32) See at length, Ohr HaTorah, Chayei Sarah, 129A, further

33) Zohar Vo1.III,p. 149B Likkutei Torah Achrei, 25B

34) Ode recited on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, mentioned in Ohr HaTorah, ibid p.12aB

35) Ohr Torah (of the Maggid of Mezritch)112,B,Sefer HaSichos 5704, p.23, HaYom Yom p.53

36) Ethics of our Fathers, Ch. II Mishnah 1

37) ibid, ch. II, Mishnah 12

38) Proverbs 3:6

39) See at length, beginning of Shaar HaYichud VehaEmunah (Tanya pt. II); many places

40) Ohr HaTorah, Chayei Sarah 129B; many places

41) Tractate Sanhedrin 99B

42) Malachi,3:6

43) Rashi, Bereishis, 2:2

44) Bereishis Rabbah, ch.l0,sec.9

45) Kuntreis Motzaei Shabbos Parshas Noach, sec.2, see references in fn.20

46) Zohar Vol. IV, 94B

47) Regarding these matters, see Sefer HaMaamarim 5666,pp. 30-32

48) ibid, p.364

49) Tanya beginning of ch.2

50) Tractate Avodah Sarah 19B

51) Likkutei Torah, Nitzavim, 52B, ibid Tetze, 37A

52) Rambam Hilchos Deos beginning of Ch.5

52*) Sefer HaMaamarim 5666, p.310

53) Likkutei Torah Shlach 37D in many places

53*) Rashi, commentary on Lech Lecha, 15:2

54) Likkutei Torah, Shlach, 40A; Sefer HaMaamarim 5666, p.54

55) Tanya ch.41

56) Likkutei Torah, Behar, p.41 column A

57) Tractate Shabbos, P.86B

58) Zohar Vo1.III p,29B

59) Tractate Shabbos p.119B See also Likkutei Sichos Vo1.I P.40

60) Yeshayahu 44:2; See also Likkutei Torah, Balak, p.72A

61) Yerushalmi, Tractate Chagigah ch.2 hal.2, references there

62) Torah Ohr p.41 Column2

63) Samuel II, ch.22:29

64) See preface to Shaarei Orah

65) Rambam’s commentary on Torah, beginning of parshah Bahaaloscha

66) See Kuntreis Motzaei Shabbos parshas Noach, sec.14

67) See beginning of Ateres Rosh

68) “ end of HaYom Yom

69) Rashi on Bereishis, 1:7

70) Tractate Kiddushin 40B, see Ohr HaTorah Bereishis, 33B there, related to the double “good” of the third day

71) Vaes’chanan 4:6

72) See Tractate Taanis p.20B and further

73) Toldos 25:27, see Rashi’s commentary there

74) Zohar Vo1.I p.179B

75) Vayishlach 36:1, 36:8, “Eisav is Edom

76) See Tanya ch.27

77) Vayeira 26:1, see commentaries there

78) Tanya ibid; Torah Ohr, 17D and further

78*) Torah Ohr, ibid

79) Tractate Nedarim 31A Rashi, commenting on Vayeitzei 28:15

80) Toldos, 25:26

81) Isaiah 40:5

82) Tanya ch.36

83) Rambam, commenting on Mishnah, Sanhedrin ch. Chelek in “Eight Chapters” the eighth principle there. See Sanhedrin 99B

84) Vayishlach 36:12

85) Torah Ohr 18A

86) Isaiah 63:16: Tractate Shabbos 89B

87) Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim Vol. I ch. I

88) Sefer HaMaamarim 5672, Vo1.I ch. 179

89) Yerushalmi, Tractate Nedarim, ch.6, hal.8

90) Toldos 27:22

91) Bereishis Rabbah ch. 65 sec.20

92) Tractate Shabbos 77B

93) Eikev 11:12

94) See Likkutei Sichos Vol. I p.124, Vo1.XII p.186

95) Lech Lecha 12:7-8

96) Rambam, Hilchos Melachim ch. 11, see beginning and end

97) Tractate Berachos, 26B

98) ibid 8A

99) Tractate Megillah 29A

100) ibid 3A

101) Shoftim, 19:8, see Sifri, quoted in Rashi’s comm. there

102) Tanya beginning of Ch. 37

103) Ramah, Orach Chaim, ch. 671 sec. 2

104) Yalkut Shimoni, beginning of Bahaaloscha

105) Tractate Eirchim 13B, see Likkutei Torah Tazria 21D, see Ohr HaTorah, Chanukah 326B

106) Eirchim, ibid