1. Torah Law considers the two days of Rosh Hashanah as “one long day”. The Previous Rebbe stressed that the expression used, “day”, was chosen carefully. The term ‘day’ communicates the concept of brightness and light. All forty-eight hours of Rosh Hashanah are permeated with light.1 The concept stretches beyond the abstract realm but has many practical ramifications. Since Rosh Hashanah is one long ‘day’, the Previous Rebbe counseled his followers to minimize the time spent sleeping on Rosh Hashanah.
Even though the existence of night and darkness on Rosh Hashanah is an observable phenomenon (and recognized by Torah Law as well),2 from a spiritual perspective, that darkness is subordinate to the primary quality which is one of brightness and illumination.
Particularly after the Previous Rebbe had revealed that concept and stressed the idea of Rosh Hashanah consisting of 48 hours of day, we, his followers, must spread the idea throughout the world and publicize it in whatever ways possible. These activities will hasten the coming of Mashiach.3
2. Implied within the concept of Rosh Hashanah being a 48-hour day is that the day of its conclusion affects the first day as well. This year, the second day of Rosh Hashanah falls on Tuesday. In the Torah narrative of creation, Tuesday (the third day) is distinguished from all the other days of the week. The Torah records the expression “and G‑d saw it was good” twice on that day.
Commenting on that fact, the Talmud explains that the repetition of the expression “G‑d saw that it was good” refers to two types of good: Tov lashamayim and Tov labrios — good to heavens(i.e., in matters between man and G‑d) and good to the creations (good in matters between man and man).
During the last year (particularly on Rosh Hashanah and Shabbos Shuvah) that concept was underscored at great length. As mentioned in the previous farbrengen, it is our responsibility now to compensate for the deficiencies of the service of previous years.4 Therefore, the aspects of ‘Tov lashamayim’ and ‘Tov labrios’ which were unfulfilled must be completed.
The term ‘La-brios’ also refers to the non-Jews. They also are judged on Rosh Hashanah and are given the powers to fulfill their task of assisting and enabling Jews to observe Torah and Mitzvos.
In particular, this refers to the situation in Eretz Yisrael5 “the land where the eyes of the L‑rd are upon it, from the beginning of the year until the end of the year”.
In Messianic times, the gentiles will express their raison d’être and help the Jews learn Torah and fulfill Mitzvos. May that situation also prevail in these final days of Galus and may the strength of those actions hasten the coming of Mashiach speedily in our days.
3. (During the farbrengen, a niggun (melody) from each of the previous Rebbeim was sung. Commenting on the niggunim, the Rebbe remarked:)
The Previous Rebbe explained that the Gemara’s statement ‘.’When quoting a statement of a Sage, picture the Sage as if he was standing before you” applies (and even to a greater degree) to niggunim which the Rebbeim compared or wished to be associated with their name.
The Rebbe also stressed the importance of the campaign for Simchas Shabbos v’Yom Tov Fund which seeks to provide needy families with the food necessary to celebrate Yom Tov in a proper manner.
Before “Kos Shel Brocha” (distribution of the wine over which the benediction was recited) the Rebbe gave Rabbi Wineberg wine to distribute to the women as Kos Shel Brocha.
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