By the Grace of G‑d
Erev Shabbos-kodesh
Sedrah: Lech-lecho,
7 Marcheshvan, 5741
Year of Hakhel
Brooklyn, N.Y.

To the Sons and Daughters of Our
People Israel, Everywhere,

G‑d bless you all,

Greeting and Blessing:

Coming from the month of Tishrei, and on the day which, during the time of the Beis Hamikdosh, marked the end of the return from the pilgrimage to the Beis Hamikdosh for the Festival of Succos, the Season of Our Rejoicing,

And particularly in a year of Hakhel (as this year), when the pilgrimage was made by “all Israel... the men, women, and children,”

It is surely proper for every Jew, man, woman, and child to begin promptly to “unpack” and start using in the fullest measure, in the everyday life, the great spiritual treasures that he or she has acquired during the month of Tishrei, beginning with Rosh Hashanah, through the Ten Days of Teshuvah, Yom Kippur, and Succos, all of them significantly culminating in Shemini-Atzeres and Simchas-Torah.

Indeed, one of the main purposes of the pilgrimage (Aliyah, lit. “ascent”) — both in the ordinary sense of walking up the Temple Mount, as well as in the spiritual sense, even in the Diaspora and in time of Golus, at the corresponding time of the year — is that upon descending from the Beis Hamikdosh and returning home to resume the ordinary every-day life,

Everyone should “uplift” the descent (Yeridah) to Aliyah to new heights through upgrading the home and the environment as an abode for G‑d’s Presence, corresponding to the Mishkon-Mikdosh, concerning which G‑d declared, “I will dwell among them,”

And by making the “ordinary” days — “all the days that you live” — into “festival” days, Yomim-tovim (Good Days”), by filling them completely with good deeds (Mitzvos), beginning with Torah, for “the Torah is the real good.”

And, of course, all this with joy, true joy, consistent with the imperative to “serve G‑d with joy,” with joy and gladness of heart.

In accord with the concluding Tishrei festivals — the Festival of Our Rejoicing and Simchas-Torah, which are an inexhaustible source of joy of Torah and Mitzvah for every day of the year ahead, especially in a year of Hakhel, for every Jew, man, woman and child — everyone according to one’s fullest capacities, as it should be “in all your actions” and “in all your ways.”

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In order to strengthen and emphasize still further that Jews constitute ha-kohol (with definitive hey), one kohol,

It would be good and highly desirable that — in addition to the fullest Avodas Hashem, according to one’s abilities and possibilities, everyone, male and female, should take upon oneself, bli-neder, an additional Mitzvah-related effort applicable to all, to be carried out each day of the year and with joy, something that is easy for all to do, namely: to learn a passage from the weekly Sedrah and to give Tzedoko (on the day before Shabbos and Yom Tov — also for Shabbos and Yom-Tov), preferably in the number of ten or multiples of ten, corresponding to the ten categories comprising the Jewish kohol;

And Torah is — “the precepts of G‑d, which are just, rejoicing the heart;” and the same is true of Tzedoko.

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The point of the above is: To bring out and emphasize in the everyday life of this year of Hakhel, the aspect of Joy, the joy of Torah and Mitzvah and Avodas Hashem, thus uniting and unifying all Jews, the men, women, and children, into one great Kohol, with joy that breaks through barriers, including the barriers of the Golus.

* * *

It can clearly be seen that the world is “shaking and trembling” ever more and more.

Yet, Jews, “the people that dwells alone,” are as we read in the Sedrah V’zos haBrochoh on Simchas Torah — publicly, openly and with much Joy: “Jews dwell securely, alone... Happy are you, Jews! Who is like you, a people delivered by G‑d, your shield and help.”

May G‑d grant that the activity, along the above lines, of increasing the light of Torah and Mitzvos, and doing it with joy, should illuminate the darkness of the Golus, and, as in the days of coming out of the land of Egypt, when in the midst of the surrounding darkness there “was light for all the children of Israel in their dwellings,” so it should be now for every Jew and in every Jewish dwelling wherever it may be, for every Jew is a part of “Your people and flock of Your pasture” — a people delivered by G‑d.

And speedily, in our own days, will be fulfilled the prophetic promise: “Zion will be redeemed through justice (Torah) and those who return to her through Tzedoko” — in our true and complete Geulah through Moshiach Tzidkeinu.

With esteem and blessing for
Hatzlocho in all above,

/Signed: Menachem. Schneerson/