1. The task of the “soldiers” of Tzivos Hashem is to be on guard to vanquish the Yetzer (Evil Inclination), and to show all that G‑d is the “owner” and “king” of the entire world — as stated: “In the beginning G‑d created the heaven and the earth.” Since G‑d created the whole world, He placed a special mission on Tzivos Hashem (all Jews) to effect the concept of “G‑d rejoices in His works” — to enable G‑d to have pleasure from His creation when He sees that all recognize He is the Master, and therefore conduct themselves according to His will. This mission is carried out by the concept of “The Jews rejoice in their Maker;” all Jews rejoice in G‑d Who created them and gave them the sacred mission of bringing the entire world to recognition of the fact that “In the beginning G‑d created the heaven and the earth.”

This mission has particular emphasis for Jewish children. From the time Jews became a people, Jewish children have always assumed a special distinction. Immediately upon leaving Egypt, when G‑d revealed Himself to the Jews at the Splitting of the Sea, it was the Jewish children, born and raised in Egypt through the open kindness of G‑d, who “recognized Him first.” Hence, in every generation, especially now at the time between Pesach and the receiving of the Torah, Jewish children must know that they have the mission of “they recognized Him first” — they are the first in the fulfillment of the mission “to make a dwelling place for G‑d in this world.”

Therefore, when Jewish children gather together, it must be recognizable that it is a gathering of Tzivos Hashem — it must be openly seen in their conduct, that each of those present is “the branch of My planting, the work of My hands in which I take pride.” This is especially so since each one of you knows that the Commander-In-Chief of Tzivos Hashem “stands over him,” and “searches his mind and heart (to see) if he is serving Him as is fitting.” G‑d’s watchfulness is concentrated totally on each Jewish child, to see if one’s heart is proper, from which stems speech and deed — “the thing is very near to you in your mouth and in your heart to do it.”

2. There is an additional special lesson in this gathering derived from the day on which it is being held — the third of Sivan. The third of Sivan is the first of the “three days of preparation” to the “Season of the Giving of our Torah,” when the command “Set bounds around the mountain and sanctify it” was given. Hence today, every Jew, and especially children, should add enthusiasm and light in all things associated with Shavuos. First and foremost, this means in the concept of “Set bounds around the mountain and sanctify it” — to set boundaries before the Yetzer, that it should have no influence at all; and then one can be in a state of sanctity (“sanctify it”) to receive the Torah.

When one conducts oneself in this manner, he is surely successful, as stated: “I have toiled and I have found — believe it.” This success expresses itself in that when Shavuos approaches, when every year the Torah is given and received anew, you will be the first to receive the Torah anew, with new joy, life and light — “receiving the Torah with joy and sincerity.” This causes the world to be fit for the immediate coming of Moshiach, who will take each and every Jew to our Holy Land, to the holy city of Yerushalayim, to the Bais Hamikdosh, with joy and a good heart.


3. An additional lesson is to be learned from the day of the week on which the third of Sivan falls this year — the third day, Tuesday. On Tuesday “it was good” was said twice (at creation) — “good for heaven and good for creatures.” One must be “good” in spiritual matters (“heaven”) and also in physical matters, matters between people (“creatures”).

This teaches us that it is not enough for a member of Tzivos Hashem to conduct himself properly, and make the proper preparations to the “Season of the Giving of our Torah.” One must also endeavor to inspire and encourage those children who as yet are not members of Tzivos Hashem to do likewise. This is emphasized by the third day of Sivan falling on a Tuesday — when one must also be “good for creatures,” and therefore encourage all children to become members in Tzivos Hashem. This is expressed in the saying of Rabbi Akiva that “‘You shall love your fellow as yourself’ is a great principle in the Torah.” And even after you have experienced great success in bringing other children close to Torah and mitzvos, you must strive further to tell yet another child about the greatness of Torah, and that it is an inheritance for every Jew, including those children not yet in Tzivos Hashem.

Very soon we will merit the fulfillment of the promise “Indeed, the righteous will extol Your Name; the upright will dwell in Your presence.” The “righteous” refers to all Jews, for “your people are all righteous.” “Extol Your Name” means that each and every Jew will give thanks to G‑d for the miracles shown until now. And very soon “the upright will dwell in Your presence,” meaning, all Jews will merit to see “the face of the Master the L‑rd” in the third Bais Hamikdosh which will be built by our righteous Moshiach. Then the concept of receiving the Torah will be with greater joy and sincerity, for then there will be the fullness of the land, the people and the Torah.


4. In these days of preparation to Shavuos, the Yetzer may try to confuse and distract a Jew from making the proper preparations to receiving the Torah. The Yetzer may tell a Jew that it is impossible for an individual to receive the entire Torah and fulfill all the mitzvos, since there are so many things to learn and so many mitzvos to fulfill.

The answer to this comes from the mishnah learned at the conclusion of each chapter of Pirkei Avos, studied on the Shabbosim between Pesach and Shavuos. The beginning of Pirkei Avos is “Moshe received the Torah from Sinai and passed it on ...,” and goes on to enumerate the chain of tradition from Moshe to all Jews in all generations — as “an inheritance of the congregation of Ya’akov.” The study of one chapter of Pirkei Avos on each of the Shabbosim between Pesach and Shavuos serves as a preparation to the receiving of the Torah.

At the conclusion of each chapter of Pirkei Avos, the following mishnah is learned: “The Holy One blessed be He wished to make the people of Israel meritorious; therefore He gave them Torah and mitzvos in abundance....” Since G‑d loves every Jew, He wished to make them meritorious, and therefore gave them Torah and mitzvos in abundance — indicating that the abundance of Torah and mitzvos is the merit of Jews. Therefore G‑d did not give them just a part of Torah, but all of it, thereby increasing Jews’ merits. And since each Jew is a “branch of My planting, the work of My hands in which I take pride,” each Jew rejoices in the great merit he has — and therefore does everything possible to increase in Torah study and fulfillment of mitzvos.

When every Jew decides to conduct himself in the above manner, he surely succeeds, for “I have toiled and I have found — believe it.” Through this we go with “great wealth” (an abundance of Torah and mitzvos) to receive the Torah, with the resolution to increase in all matters of Torah and mitzvos — in great abundance — and receive the Torah with joy and sincerity.