1. Every Jew is G‑d’s shliach, charged with the mission of transforming this world into a dwelling for G‑d. G‑d’s demands are made commensurate to the powers of each individual. Thus, each individual has surely been given all the powers necessary for him to fulfill his mission in a complete and perfect manner — indeed, to do so according to G‑d’s conception of completion and perfection.
Furthermore, G‑d has granted the potential that this service be carried out with happiness and joy. In Likkutei Torah, the Alter Rebbe explains that the Haftorah read on the Shabbos before Rosh HaShanah begins, “I will rejoice with the L‑rd, my soul shall exult...” to teach that the service on Rosh HaShanah must be in a manner of, “They exulted in trembling,” [i.e., although the acceptance of G‑d’s Kingship causes “trembling, the prevailing attitude is one of exultation, happiness]. Since Rosh HaShanah is “the head of the year,” it influences the entire year to come, making it a year when G‑d is served with happiness and joy.
This happiness also will include fulfillment of all one’s material needs for as the Rambam writes, G‑d grants us material blessings so that we will not be hindered in our pursuit of spiritual goals. G‑d will grant each individual abundant material blessings — this, in fact, is the subject of the judgment on Rosh HaShanah — and thus will negate all hindrances to our service of G‑d. In simple terms, we see that wealth broadens a person’s perspective and enables him to increase his understanding and thus, his service of G‑d.
The theme of abundant blessing is also associated with this week’s Torah portion, Parshas Berachah. Furthermore, since this year, the portion is read for three consecutive weeks, a chazakah is established regarding these blessings. This comes in addition to the chazakah established by three successive holy days (in which a festival is followed by Shabbos) that repeats itself three times, Rosh HaShanah, Sukkos, and Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah.
This brings us to “In the beginning, G‑d created the heavens and the earth,” one looks at the world — which is divided into “the heavens and the earth” — with a new perspective. Ultimately, this will lead to the incomparable renewal which will accompany the redemption for which we wait every day.
This is particularly true on the present day, a Wednesday, the day when the luminaries were created. May each Jew be “a great luminary,” and in keeping with the commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” share that light with others and influence all the Jews in his surroundings. This constitutes the task of a shliach.
This concept is reflected in the Torah reading associated with the present day which begins with the verse, “Rejoice Zevulun in your [business] excursions and Yissachar in your tents.”1 Zevulun’s “going out” refers to the descent of the soul into this world which must be connected with Yissachar’s presence in the tents of study. In order to know how to fulfill the mission of Zevulun, a Jew must look into Torah.
The name Zevulun is also associated with the meaning “dwelling,” and thus the mission to make this world a “dwelling” for G‑d. Indeed, we even find the word zevul used for the Beis HaMikdash.
We have already completed the work of transforming this world into a dwelling for G‑d. Each Jew — man, woman, and child — has been inscribed (and that inscription has been sealed) for a good and sweet year, a year when, “I will show you wonders.”
Each Rosh HaShanah, a new light which has never shone is drawn down into the world and through the service of “And Yaakov went on his way,”2 that light is drawn into the year as a whole.
May the blowing of the shofar on Rosh HaShanah — particularly, this year when the shofar was sounded on both days of the holiday — lead to the time when, G‑d will “sound the great shofar for our freedom.” This is particularly relevant to those individuals who anxiously “wait for his coming every day.”3 (Although it is not Chabad practice to recite this phrase in prayer, we have this intention when reciting the verse, “I found David, My servant.”) May we merit Mashiach’s coming this year, indeed, in the immediate future so that this year, the service of Yom Kippur4 will be carried out by the High Priest.5
May each individual merit complete happiness in these final days of exile and may we immediately merit the fulfillment of the prophecy, “May our eyes behold Your return to Zion in mercy.”
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