1. The principle, “Open with blessing,” is particularly appropriate on the holidays and on Chol HaMoed.1 The present day possesses a special dimension, for it is the fourth day of the holiday and thus it includes the majority of the days of the holiday. Furthermore, our Sages taught, “the majority of an entity is considered as the entire entity.” Thus we possess — albeit on the level of potential — the influence of the entire holiday on the present day.2
The positive influence of the present day is further enhanced by the significance of the numerical equivalent of the day of the month, 18, which is chai “life,” in Hebrew.3 In an ultimate sense, chai refers to G‑d, and more particularly, G‑d’s essence, the level described as “eternal life.”4
Similarly, there is a positive influence contributed by the ushpizen of the present day: Moshe, the ushpiz mentioned in the Zohar, and the Mitteler Rebbe, the Chassidic ushpiz.5 There is a connection between the two, for the Mitteler Rebbe explained the teachings of Torah in an expansive manner referred to in Chassidic texts as “the widening of the river.” This relates to Moshe, for Moshe “received the Torah... and gave it over6 “ to the extent that “every new concept developed by an experienced Sage was given to Moshe at Sinai.” Even though this quote was mentioned in the Talmud and the Sages were not aware of the new Torah concepts that would be developed in the generations to come, they were, nevertheless, certain of their source, the revelation at Sinai.
As explained on previous occasions, although these concepts were “given to Moshe,” they can legitimately be described as “new” and the Sages who developed them can be accredited with their development.7 For Moshe revealed the Torah’s general principles and the Sages of the later generations brought out the particular dimensions of the Torah concepts.
This relates to the Mitteler Rebbe who broadened the explanations of the teachings of Chassidus that were revealed previously, making them more accessible to others and bringing them to a level where they can be understood more easily.8
The idea of developing new Torah concepts is relevant to all of us, for each person is obligated to develop new ideas in Torah every day. The method of study which leads to the development of new Torah concepts is also associated with Moshe. For Moshe developed the approach of pilpul, “didactic reasoning,” and taught it to the Jewish people.
The potential for new development associated with the present day should be expressed in the development of new Torah concepts and in bringing renewed joy to the celebrations of Simchas Beis HaShoeivah. And this will lead to the ultimate concept of expansion that will be revealed in the Era of the Redemption.
There is a connection between this quality and the present year. Expansion is associated with the quality of binah, “understanding,” and the present year is described as shnas niflaos binah, “a year when wonders will be understood.” Similarly, it is a year of “wonders in all things,” niflaos bakol. The latter word relates to the threefold expression of blessing associated with our Patriarchs bakol mikol kol. The latter expression is numerically equivalent to the word kabetz which means “gather” and alluding to the imminent ingathering of the exiles in the Era of the Redemption. (Kabetz also refers to the gathering of the Jewish people together in unity in positive activities such as Simchas Beis HaShoeivah even while they are dispersed in exile.)
And encouraged by the wonders of the present year, we will proceed to Eretz Yisrael, to Jerusalem, and the Beis HaMikdash. We will do so immediately and thus celebrate Simchas Beis HaShoeivah in the courtyard of the Beis HaMikdash as mentioned in the Talmud. This will be hastened by the distribution of money to be given to tzedakah at the conclusion of this gathering. Thus, in the immediate future, G‑d will “sound the great shofar for our freedom” and bring the ultimate redemption.
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