1. Today is the tenth of Adar, and it is written, “the tenth will be holy.” Surely, this applies in regard to a month whose mazal is associated with health and strength. In particular, this is relevant in the present year when all the aspects associated with Adar are twofold in nature for this is a leap year.
Our Sages describe a leap year as a “perfect year.” Thus we can understand that it contributes an aspect of perfection to all matters and leads to the ultimate perfection, the Redemption. Herein, there is a special connection to the present day, for our Sages describe the Future Redemption as the tenth redemption. Thus it is particularly appropriate for the Redemption to come at this time.
The imminence of the Redemption receives even greater emphasis in light of what the Jewish people have achieved in their Divine service throughout the exile, especially, their service in these final days of exile, and in particular, through the Sanctification of G‑d’s Name including — may it not be repeated — the Sanctification of G‑d’s Name in these last days by a righteous Jewish woman.
The AriZal taught that just as “In the merit of righteous women, our ancestors were redeemed from Egypt,” so too, when, “As in the days of your exodus from Egypt, I will show you wonders,” the Redemption will come through the merit of righteous women.
And it is appropriate that the Redemption come immediately, on this Friday. Indeed, Friday is the day when the preparations for Shabbos [— and by extension, “the day which is all Shabbos and rest for eternity” —] are made.
In particular, this is relevant on Friday afternoon, when the connection to the Redemption is evident in the additions to our prayers. We recite the prayer Posach Eliyahu, composed by Eliyahu, who will announce the Redemption. Furthermore, this prayer concludes with the verse “Blessed is G‑d forever. Amen and Amen.” This verse also concludes psalm 89, a psalm that is particularly related to the Redemption.
Before Posach Eliyahu, we usually recite the psalm Hodu L’Hashem ki tov, which mentions the four individuals who must express their thanks to G‑d and recite Bircas HaGomel. [Among these four individuals is a person who is released from prison, which is used as an allegory for the Jews who will emerge from exile.]
We have concluded the afternoon service, and are prepared to enter Shabbos that has been prepared for us by the righteous Jewish women. All the effort necessary has been completed and done so with joy.
And we will soon hear the reading of Parshas Tetzaveh which concerns Moshe and Aharon. And soon we will merit to see the resurrection of Moshe, Aharon, and the Previous Rebbe. Together with them — in the first phase of Redemption — will arise those who sanctified G‑d’s Name in public including the young woman mentioned above.
This will take place in the immediate future and then she will be united with her children. They will be orphans for only a short time and soon the entire family will be reunited. And with them, will be reunited our larger family, the entire Jewish people. And together we will proceed, “with our youth and with our elders... with our sons and with our daughters,” to Eretz Yisrael, to Jerusalem, and to the Third (and threefold) Beis HaMikdash, “the Sanctuary of G‑d established by Your hands.” May this take place in the immediate future.
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