By the Grace of G‑d
24 Iyar, 5715 [1955]

Greetings and Blessings!

Further1 to our conversation concerning a united religious front [...]:2

One of the directives given by my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe [Rayatz], concerns what the world calls optimism,3 and what Chassidus34calls trust — trust that ultimately the true good will prevail, and not only in the distant future and for the community at large, but also for the individual and for the immediate future. [...]

The Sages teach that “a man is not be judged harshly when he is pained.”4 Accordingly, you will no doubt not be disturbed by a few of the above expressions that are perhaps a little sharp, and let me thank you in advance if you will give me good news on the central issue.

And may G‑d grant that my trust in the ultimate victory of good and truth will be vindicated — even with regard to political parties.

With respectful greetings,
