By the Grace of G‑d
1 Sivan, 5712 [1952]

Greetings and Blessings!

I1 was very happy to receive your letter of 21 Iyar. I was already concerned that for a long time I had not heard about the health of yourself and your wife. Thank G‑d, you are already walking outdoors and going to shul, and as I understand from your letter, your wife’s health is also far better than it was previously. Since even fleshly eyes can see that G‑d has healed you and that your wife’s health is also improving, one ought to be strong in one’s trust that things will continue to improve more and more, until you yourself will also be happy.

It is disappointing and painful to encounter certain dispensable expressions in your letter. Why do you do this? — particularly in the case of a Jew who is a believer, who can even influence others by being weak in his trust in G‑d. Firstly, using such expressions is damaging both spiritually and healthwise; and secondly, it weakens one’s own will and desire to infuse others with liveliness and high spirits.

I hope that by the time you receive my letter your mood will improve, and that you will make a point of heeding the directive of our holy Torah, to “serve G‑d with joy.”83 As is taught in our sacred books, one should — and one can — serve G‑d not only through praying and studying Torah, but also while eating and drinking and the like, and by living joyfully. When a person does that, he observes that he is plainly and simply healthier and more optimistic, and he accomplishes far more for himself and for others.

Let me conclude with the wish that your attribute of bitachon will be fortified, the earlier the better, and that you will have a Shavuos festival of tranquility and joy, which you will then extend throughout the entire year.

With festive greetings,
