
Selected Clips from Living Torah

Our Right to the Land of Israel
Rashi states on Torah’s very first verse: “It could happen that gentiles will claim the Jews stole the Land of Israel from them. Therefore, G-d related His mighty works in the Book of Genesis to show that it was He Who created the Land of Israel and gave it to the Jewish People.”
The Shabbat Candles Campaign
The Shabbos candle lighting campaign has yielded far-reaching results. One example from the many reports we received: A little girl, five or six years old, attended a non-religious school in Israel. One day, an older girl spoke to her class about the Mitzvah of Shabbos candles. She taught them the blessings, and gave them candles and candlesticks to take home.
There are those who question: “Why do you speak so much about bringing Moshiach?” “Why don’t you rely on G-d – after all, He’s the one Who sent us into Exile in the first place!”
Some ask: “What benefit results from the Tefillin campaign? You put Tefillin on a Jew only one time, and you have no idea if it has any lasting effect on him?” Every Mitzvah forges an eternal bond between a Jew and his Creator. In addition, the Talmud teaches that a Jew who dons Tefillin even once, becomes worthy of his share in the World to Come; his entire eternal future, depends on it.
“My soul thirsts for You, my flesh longs for You; (as one) in a desolate and dry land without water, so (I thirst) to see You in the Sanctuary, to behold Your might and glory.” (Psalm 63)
The mitzvah to “love your fellow as yourself” raises a dilemma. What should you do when your needs are different from your friend’s? If you are thirsty while your friend is hungry, it would be un-loving to offer him a drink instead of food. If you have time for Torah study while your friend is struggling to make ends meet, it is wrong to help him learn Torah but ignore his need for help earning a livelihood.
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