Learning Center
Why are such exacting measures taken regarding the mixture of meat and milk, and how does it further our mission of becoming a holy nation?
The portion of Mishpatim starts with practical laws and teaches us how to apply the inspiration of revelation to every day living. This coincides this year with the yahrztzeit of the Rebbetzin, who th...
The Magazine
Having known the Rebbe and Rebbetzin from her childhood, Esther Sternberg had a unique view of the regal woman so few ever met.
Rebbetzin Menucha Rochel was a beloved and revered foundation of the Hebron community for 43 years.
Unfortunately, my oldest daughter does not have any children though they are still trying and praying. Lately though, she and her husband have stopped attending family events. I understand that it is...
Handy Household Hacks
Clean After the Shower
Do a quick clean of your bathroom after your shower. The steam that condenses on all the surfaces makes it easier to wipe everything down.
Materialism is buying things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people that don’t matter.
Candle Lighting Times
Candle Lighting Times
Parshat Mishpatim
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