
The Month of Shevat

Why Joy Feels So Scary, and What You Can Do About It
If G‑d didn’t command me to feel joy, would I?
Teaching My Son Multiplication and Myself About Challenges
He plants seeds. Seeds of experience, seeds of challenge, seeds of tears. Seeds that make us think, “Why do I need to go through this experience or meet that person?”
Can a Parent Be Strong and Flexible at the Same Time?
A Tu Bishvat Lesson From the Trees
I have learned with time and experience that when one doesn’t bend, one breaks, but at the same time, if not firmly grounded, it’s only too easy to knocked off your feet.
Learn to Have a Little Patience
“Oh no, we must have missed the bus! Just go on the first bus that goes towards the city center and transfer,” I urged.
The Sap of Life
Tu B’Shevat signals a shift in season, a new year for the trees. But it is so much more than that.
Why Being Foolish Can Be Holy
If we are all fools before G‑d, how do we know what the correct path is?
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
A Tu B’Shevat Meditation
I live in a neighborhood with a synagogue on every street corner. Still, I have a spiritual hunger that can be assuaged only by contact with nature.
Is It Worth It?
Look at the long-term consequences, and try to base your reaction on that.
Happiness as a Process
A 15 Shevat Lesson
Tu B'Shevat is the day when the sap begins to rise through the tree. In other words, we can't see the fruit yet, but we are celebrating the process of growth itself...
My Family Tree
A Tu B'Shevat Lesson
The black and white pictures I have of them stare back at me asking me not to forget. Keep these pictures precious. This is my face, this is my family, and this is who you come from. We may have physically left the earth but your heritage is part of us. We are your roots...
Holy Eating
Insights Into Tu B'Shevat
Where does the Jewish obsession with food come from? Actually, there are some deep spiritual roots to the Jewish obsession with food- what, how, and when it should be consumed...
The Teaching Tree
A Tu B'Shevat Lesson
As I say goodbye to my young students and clean up from our fruit party, I begin to think about how Tu B'Shevat relates to us as individuals...
Taking Back Tu BiShvat
Actually, we don’t have to take it, exactly—we can share it with the kids.
Planting a Family Tree
Family life is a piece of art in of itself. It’s all about taking people, placing them on the same canvas, and making them interact in a way that creates a beautiful combination of personalities. It’s a display of the depth of life, giving a higher meaning and purpose to our existence . . .
Tu B'Shevat Fruit Crafts
Here are some great crafts you can do with your kids to celebrate the holiday of Tu B'Shevat...
15 Shevat Recipes
Tu Bishvat Foods
With Tu B’Shevat this week, check out these great recipes that are not only delicious but healthy as well!
Chaya'le, Mushka, Mussie...
The 22nd of Shevat
The first thing I was shown was her picture. Unquestionably, she was a very beautiful woman. She was stunning. And yet, there was something about her that was so graceful, so royal, so holy.
Road Work
A glimpse of the Rebbetzin
Near the park, we were forced to detour via a parallel street. At the next traffic light, the Rebbetzin said to me: “I heard a woman screaming. Can you go back and see what that was about?”
A Legacy of Sacrifice and Love
A Tribute to Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, of Righteous Memory
“Why are you asking forgiveness?” the Rebbetzin exclaimed. “My husband and I were sent to this world to serve people in need twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week...”
Planting Seeds of Respect
I want to teach my child that when we make a mistake, not only is that okay, but we should also take responsibility for the mistake. Otherwise, how will a person ever grow and change?
Winter Parenting
I am thinking a lot about the end of things. The end of everything that was once beautiful, full of color, full of life, at its peak. I have been thinking about this especially because of the recent death of my grandmother.
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