Be inspired by what you see!
Some of the most beautiful and sensitive acts in this world are done in a quiet, simple and unassuming way. The huge importance of these deeds in leading the way to completely transforming the darkness in our world might be overlooked by our coarse eyes down here, but not by the One above.
Similarly, our sages teach that miracles from the highest source descend the lowest and vest themselves in nature to the degree that the person experiencing them may not even realize that they are miraculous.
It pays to keep our eyes open to the small wonders from above: the Divine Providence that surrounds us as well as the beauty of the natural world. Observe the gorgeous sunrise and sunset; watch the earliest signs of regrowth after winter; and notice, too, the seamless way that very difficult things can sometimes come together and work out.
Let’s acknowledge these wondrous phenomena, thank our Creator, and share them to inspire and encourage one another.
And let’s gratefully acknowledge and be inspired by those gentle acts of goodness and kindness we notice or experience being done by others. Let’s pay them forward with a warm heart and motivate others as well.
Any one of them alone is enough to bring the redemption right now.
Sources: Maamar Kimei Tzeitecha Me’eretz Mitzrayim, 5712; Sefer Hamaamarim Melukat Adar-Sivan, p. 164; Maamar Bati Legani, 5711.
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