
Young Women Write

Ages 17 and Under

Transition from the holiday-filled month of Tishrei, into the bleak month of Cheshvan
Choose Them Again
I have learned to train my eyes on Charlie’s brilliant smile and to forget the other children gawking at her on the playground.
Dressing Modestly in Public High School
When I walk by some people stare at me in my beautiful long skirt and modest long sleeved T-shirt. People can tell that I am different. People can tell that I am a Torah observant Jewish girl and I am proud of that...
The Need for Clarity
It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to You in earnest. Sometimes I can forget for weeks at a time that You’re here altogether. I guess that’s because I forget how much You mean to me...
Soul of a Jew
The moment we choose, the choice is not free. But is chosen choice chosen, or given really?
Removing the Dark Lenses
I used to look at the world through dark lenses. That's the reason I like wearing sunglasses, I suppose. They enable you to reach your destination without looking too closely at what goes on around you. It allows you to center yourself in your own little world...
Temptations & Inspirations
I am proud of being Jewish and proud of keeping my integrity even if something tempting is staring me in the face...
My Bat-Mitzvah Speech
In Judaism, a person's Hebrew name is something that describes the deepest part of them. And when parents name their baby, it is the one time in their life that they are blessed with Divine Inspiration...
Because I Miss You, Zaidy
I know my grandfather is still watching over me, but it hurts that he isn't here...
What Chanukah Means To Me
This incident with Yehudit teaches us that a woman was a very special and important part of the Chanukah miracle...
My Search for Meaning
I explored in the cause of understanding; a search which took me far from what was familiar...
Lox and Bagels
I was always intrigued by the Jew’s seemingly endless fascination with lox and bagels...
A Tribute to Our Homeland
Just looking out the window of the bus at a bare field, I cannot help but thank my Creator for bringing me to the Promised Land. I am here not only to find myself, but also in replacement of those who were unable to make it here...
The L-rd Gave
She was not even a half a week old when the tests began. Their darling became a pincushion. She cried at first, but with each needle became more and more quiet...
The Knuckle Cracker
As he sat absentmindedly cracking his knuckles in between turning the pages of his newspaper, I resigned myself to yet another tedious journey with an aggravating, crackling noise throughout...
A Note From the Editor's Daughter
it's sometimes really annoying to just sit there when there's nothing to do but watch your parent's (parent) work on the computer and talk on the phone (oy vay I can't even think about it)...
The word becomes suddenly fluid. The letters take shape, dancing with each other, grasping hands and twirling in ecstatic connection...
Good, Clean Fun
My name is Batsheva Goldberg and I am a founder, co-owner, employee, and advertising strategist for my family's company, 4 Sisters Soaps. I'm also twelve years old...
If we could see how far one deed goes, we would be eager to do as many as possible, but herein lies the paradox of it all...
Time... and Time Again
How could time stop? And the moment was gone, written in an unrecorded historical document, lost in the many files of life.
My Special Brother
From a young age I remember wishing that I could wake up and it would all be a dream. I remember wishing that none of this happened, that it wasn't my family that was different from everybody elses...
A Young Girl's Dream
"Wouldn't it be cool to publish a magazine for Jewish girls?" My friend was used to my constant flow of ambitious but usually impractical ideas, so she simply responded, "Yeah, but we could never do it." And that was it...
Bubbe Maryasha Garelik
As I looked around at my surroundings, I was amazed at the sight. Children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great-great grandchildren, uncles, aunts, cousins, second cousins, hundreds upon hundreds of Bubbe's descendents all around me...
Salt and Pepper
Salt and pepper is the feeling of being together and alone, amidst a crowd but standing apart...
Peace and How to Be a Role-Model
To have a peaceful world we need to treat others the way that we want to be treated...