NBC reported that a recent sleep study found women get less sleep than men primarily because of all the burdens they shoulder…the career, the family, the husband. Life is short, and the load of the woman is long. Very long and tiring, and oh, so heavy. The daily struggle within the woman invariably brings up the needs of the feminine voice pleading to stay heard. It seems that the motto of our times is one must be successful to be feminine. But where does one draw the strength to deal with the endless piles and to-dos that life throws one's way? And so many times we're just not in the mood of dealing with it all.
The feminist.
Almost no one will tell you that feminism is something of the ancient Jews Many equate true modernists with feminist lib. Some connect the dots between being a feminist and 'untraditional Judaism' if any. But almost no one will tell you that feminism is something of the ancient Jews.
No one and nothing that is, except for the Torah. Much is said about Moses, one of the greatest leaders of Jewish history, but what of the women in his life? His sister? His mother? The Torah tells some mind-stopping feminine-led stories of the Jews in Egypt.
King Pharaoh had much insecurity with the Jewish nation living in Egypt. They were rapidly growing and multiplying by the half-a dozen. And theirs was uncomfortably different than the Egyptian culture. But to top it all off, Pharaoh's stargazers prophesied that a little star was to rise from amongst the Jewish nation. A little boy would steal the king's crown and glory.
And believe me when I tell you that Pharaoh reacted with the most unconventional, unheard of plan. He didn't call the Jewish male leaders. Pharaoh, the vulgar insensitive man he was, still recognized the power of the Jewish woman. And so he called upon two simple midwives, Jochebed and Miriam to command them to stop delivering Jewish baby boys. They took up position in the battle of the evil of Egypt, and refused to cave in to the pressure. Putting their lives on the line, Jochebed and Miriam continued to deliver the children displaying incredible inner strength. Ironically Jochebed was the mother and Miriam, the sister of Moses. These were strong women.
And what happened when all the Jewish men convened to agree on a plan of action to deal with Pharaoh's horrific decree of throwing little Jewish boys into the Nile river? It was nothing more than a mere girl at the age of five whose courage was invincible. Little Miriam. Miriam interrupted this "guys only" meeting to tell her father, Amram, her thoughts. The men's plan was for all couples to physically separate so that no more children would be born to this pitiful nation at this despairing time. Miriam insisted that a couple's separation would put an end to the entire future of the Jewish nation. The Jewish couple must continue to conceive. Period. And besides, how would the little Jewish savior be born if all Jews had stopped living the married life? From the mouths of the babes no less… Miriam's parents merited to birth Moses.
They had little mirrors tucked away and on-hand And the Jewish feminine power continued to blossom even under the most horrible and enslaved conditions the Jews were experiencing. It is explained that the Egyptians tormented the men by giving them typical womanly jobs; and tortured the women with manly work. Even though the women and men were all downtrodden, depressed, tired, and bitter, it wasn't the switching of roles that stifled the womanly voice. In fact, commentaries learn that the women could be found - while working in the apple orchards under strict surveillance - sneaking away to beautify their femininity and outer appearance. They had little mirrors tucked away and on-hand. Do you wonder what was wrong with these people? Their lives were miserable, they were slaves and all they could think about was their superficial appearance?
Aha, the story takes on a deeper significance. These little mirrors were later used to build the kiyor, the wash basin, which was placed in the center of the Holy Temple. The kiyor symbolized a ritually powerful tool by which those serving G‑d could clean themselves in order to be permitted to work in the Temple.
But what is it that made these tools of vanity so memorable and holy? It was nothing short of the feminine blood. The Jewish Women of ancient Egypt understood the depression that had taken root with their husband's and their families too. But, being true feminists, they decided to fight it and conquer. And they did.
They beautified their appearance and then went out to the fields to greet their husbands. This act of love ensured that marital life would continue, to the point that the Torah literally gives the credit of the births of all the Jewish children born in Egypt to these women!
But the power of Jewish femininity doesn't end there.
With Moses at the lead, they had but one desire. Get out. Picture, if you will, the victory march of the escaping Jews as they wound their valiant way out of the land of Egypt. They were finally being set free. With Moses at the lead, they had but one desire. Get out. Freedom was nearly theirs. Yet in the midst of all the frantic commotion could be heard dingles and dangles of the sort of noise from the street boy outside the local train station. It was the musical choir of the most feminine Lib Leader of all times. Miriam. Sister to Moses. She composed and led the song "Az Yashir" praising G‑d, and was joined by the voices of all the women and girls singing and dancing with tambourines, while the men did similar in their own groups. She believed that the woman's voice must be heard. It was too vital to be stayed.
So, I ask you, does Judaism support feminism? The voice of a Jewish woman is the precious, modest voice of power. Take it from our feminine sister, Miriam. The key is to keep all of life in sync with one same goal. Our Jewish nation.
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