Kindness can be done with our thoughts, our actions or our words. Kindness is one of the pillars holding up the world and one of the critical attributes of the Jewish people. Our first Patriarch, Abraham, was a pillar of kindness. What’s special about an act of kindness is that it can be done anywhere, anytime, by anyone. It is the ultimate equalizer.
1. Prayer. Prayer can be an act of kindness that involves thought, word and deed. That’s why it’s so powerful. No prayer isNo prayer is wasted wasted. When we pray for someone, we are directing powerful spiritual energy towards them; there are many stories of the miracles wrought by prayer. Although there are prayers that have special times, places and composition, a heartfelt one can be uttered anywhere (except in a bathroom), anytime and in any language. The book of Psalms, compiled by King David, and written by him and many other illustrious figures in Jewish history, also offers prayers that are multipurpose. Psalms has a special energy that draws down salvation and healing; an added perk is that when you pray for someone else and are needy of the same type of salvation, you will be answered first. One of the verses in Psalms even says “I am prayer” because it is the essence of our communication with G‑d.
Read more: What Is Jewish Prayer?
2. Money. It’s a fact of life that there are many needy people out there. Some are poor, some are homeless, and some just find it difficult to make ends meet because they are dealing with some sort of crisis that requires large sums of money. Many people feel possessive of their money. They’ve earned it, and it’s theirs they reason. However, its main purpose, aside from allowing us to survive, is to help other people. And the best way is to spread it around as much as possible.
Read More: 15 Facts About Charity Everyone Should Know
3. Time. Like money, time is in short supply, and we run around trying to complete our tasks with nary a moment to breathe. We need to schedule time for kindness. It could be spending time with an old person, listening to a friend in their time of need, visiting someone in the hospital or babysitting for a new mother. Time is precious; that’s why sharing it is such an act of kindness. Of course, the first recipients of this precious and scarce commodity should be the members of our close family.
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4. Advocacy. Technology has made direct communication more difficult and has compounded the frustrations of bureaucracy a thousand-fold. People who are not savvy or technical or even have the strength to persevere can get lost. Helping people navigate the bureaucratic maze or advocate for themselves when seeking help from service providers, institutions or government offices is a tremendous kindness.
5. Physical Needs. There are people who need help with basic self-care because they are incapacitated in some way due to illness, old age or because they are overwhelmed, even with something happy like a new baby. True, it’s more glamorous to dedicate a hospital wing than to physically care for the people inside it, but the ultimate kindness is helping people on the most basic level. One of the definitions of honoring parents is feeding and clothing the parent. This kind of kindness is more exhausting and often less pleasant than writing a check, but it is often more gratifying. So many of us are hungry for a bit of encouragement If your time and energy is limited, you can do something small like watch one of your neighbor’s kids for an hour, wash a few dishes, double up your portions for dinner and share it with a neighbor, or even walk their dog for 15 minutes. Small kindness is an oxymoron; every act of kindness is huge.
Related: Visiting the Sick
6. A good word. So much can hinge on a good word, a recommendation or an approbation. Sometimes, a job, sometimes a marriage, often a friendship. If someone has done something nice for you, don’t just thank them, commend them, recommend them or praise them to someone who can. So many of us are hungry for a bit of encouragement—a soupçon of hope. Despair is rampant, and we can alleviate it so easily with a kind and encouraging word or compliment.
Related: How to Break (or Make) Someone
7. Doing what comes easily. We all have different talents, skills and capabilities. Often, what comes easily to us is difficult for another person. Using our talents to do things other people find difficult (and then helping them out) is a great use of our G‑d-given talents, as well as using them for what they were ultimately meant.
8. Mentor someone. Throughout the Bible and Talmud, we have examples of leaders who mentored their successors: Moses and Joshua, Eliyahu and Elisha, Shmuel and Natan, Rabbi Akiva and his five disciples. Greatness is best passed on by example. When you become someone to learn from and look up to, you are also expanding your own influence.
Related: Find a Mentor
9. Kindness along the way. There are opportunities for kindness that appear to us throughout the day, and they are easy for us to perform. Examples include giving up your seat on the bus, letting someone ahead of you in line, giving a whole-hearted smile in greeting or thanks, helping a child cross the street, uttering a prayer for the patient as an ambulance goes by, carrying a package for someone or holding the door open for another. Your day has the potential to be a treasure hunt and treasure trove of chesed (lovingkindness) if you look for and take advantage of the myriad daily opportunities to perform it. Be attuned to the possibilities around you, and your day and life will become a spiritual smorgasbord of kindness.
Related: Kindness Mitzvot
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