It seems that everyone is searching for happiness these days. Check out the self-help section in the bookstore and theEveryone is searching for happiness studies shared all over the Internet. Observe the extensive and sometimes futile chase that people embark upon in the elusive pursuit of that far-off goal.
When done properly, however, it can be a holy pursuit.
If one is searching for material pleasures, the chase will be endless, for it is never enough. If one is pursuing a spiritual joy, then true happiness is indeed attainable.
How? The Alter Rebbe suggests the following meditation: Spend time contemplating G‑d’s absolute oneness, how He is found everywhere and constantly recreating you. Allow yourself to feel that no matter where you are, you are infinitely close to an infinite G‑d. Think about the fact that when you are actually thinking these thoughts, your brain is acting as a humble abode to G‑d, and your soul is fulfilling the very purpose for which it was created—to reveal G‑d’s oneness here in this world. What greater joy can there be than a deep sense of fulfillment that you are doing what you were created to do?
In fact, that is the reason we recite daily in our prayers: “We are lucky! How good is our portion! How pleasant is our lot! How beautiful is our heritage ... . ” The secret of G‑d’s unity was inherited by all Jews, and the ability to access true joy is open to us all.
And the joy is doubled. In addition to feeling your soul’s joy as a result of your faith, aren’t you happy for G‑d that HisAbility to access true joy is open to us all vision is being acted upon? That the raison d’être for creating this universe is being fulfilled at this very moment by you, His beloved creation? Your faith will spur you to fulfill as many mitzvahs in the Torah as you possibly can. And G‑d’s truest joy is when darkness is transformed into light as a result of the good deeds we perform in the physical world.
And we get to be a part of that.
Tanya Bit: Fulfilling my purpose brings a double joy: My soul’s mission is accomplished, and G‑d’s desire is satisfied.
(Inspired from Chapter 33 of Tanya)
Note: The Lubavitcher Rebbe taught 12 Torah passages (pesukim) to children that incorporated the most basic tenets of Judaism and included within them the tools to serve G‑d. It is fascinating that two of the 12 passages are found in Chapter 33 of Tanya, underscoring how crucial it is for children to be imbued with a sense of mission and taught the secret to lasting joy.
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