Everyone’s got a pet peeve. You know, those things that get on your nerves, whether logical or not. Imagine a good friend, who is very aware of what sets you off, goes ahead and deliberately does that very “thing” that you just can’t stand. Not a great strategy to promote connection.
That’s one way to understand what it’s like when a Jew engages in one of the 365 prohibitions in the Torah. With G‑d, it’s not a petty annoyance, but going against the very purpose of why He created the world! Whether it is aWhether it is a “small sin” or a “big sin” is irrelevant “small sin” or a “big sin” is irrelevant; the fact that G‑d doesn’t like it causes a disconnect between Jew and G‑d. It represents denial of G‑d’s will and a momentary decision to disconnect from G‑d.
It’s not always a conscious decision. On the words, “If a man’s wife turns aside [and commits adultery],” the sages comment that the Hebrew word for “turns aside” (sisteh) shares a root with the Hebrew word for “folly” (shtus). The woman who is suspected of adultery lapsed not only in behavior, but in judgement.
She didn’t consciously ignore her soul’s desire to connect to G‑d and fulfill all His wishes. She didn’t consciously drag her soul through the mud as she went against an express law in the Torah. She was simply out of touch with the truth. Just like she would never sever her connection to G‑d by converting from Judaism, she would never want to choose something that is not in line with G‑d’s will, temporarily pulling the plug on the relationship.
Because at the core, every Jew wants to be one with G‑d.
Tanya Bit: Being conscious of my soul prevents me from unconsciously disconnecting from G‑d.
(Inspired from Chapter 24 of Tanya)
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